Smoke and Blood

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"Trying to escape? Honestly I thought you would behave better... hm what a shame" Izuku looked down at them with a dead stare.

Mirio stood infront of Tomura to protect him and Tamaki who was struggling to be awake. If only he still had his quirk- he's useless in this situation he thought. However what is a hero if they rely on only their quirk. 

Mirio positioned himself for combat with Izuku, but he failed to realise Izuku was already ahead of him- Mirio felt a hand on his skull and froze.

Izuku was infront of him- atop of the stairs! but also- NEXT TO ME?

"Imagine if someone so incredibly as powerful as myself could have more than one copy of me. The original me controlling ALL of the other me's, feeding me all the information I need. Like where I am at school right now and what your doing inside my house."

Izuku gave a light smile, "but dont know how BADLY I wanna break your skull and make you suffer for even THINKING of escaping me, I dont think you understand your position right now? I could kill Tamaki right now just as punishment- or perhaps revive him after and make your watch him die over and over again until one time I just dont.... revive him."

Mirio realised, he cant do anything.. he cant risk Tamaki's life, he cant risk Tomura's life, and being so quirkless he stood no chance, especially if theres multiple of Midorya. 

"Ha... yes the hero life, you mustn't do ANYTHING because you cant risk taking the lives of others to even come close to saving who I might kill in the future, and if you did act, your a murderer to your own best friend, could you live with that? " Izuku crossed his arms and rested on the side of the doorframe. 

"So, make your move?"

Mirio stood, he had never been put in this situation and Izuku's words had gotten to him..


What do I do? He asked himself- I cant, I cant do anything if I do, Tamaki....Tomura....It could be fatal but so would be doing nothing! Mirio was frustrated he thought over and over until his clamped fists relaxed. He cant do it.

Izuku stared. The air was so thick you could cut it.

"Pathetic." he said before closing the door, blocking the light that they wouldn't see for the next 5 days as punishment for Mirio's actions.

"Nejire, with all due respect, I think you should live under our surveillance and protection, as frightening as this may be- you are suspected to be the next target for our kidnapper" Aizawa said handing her keys to her new apartment. 

"It will be guarded by myself and others, so if anything happens we will be outside your door so There is no need to worry. "

Nejire looked horrible, her corner of her eyes red and a gloomy frown. She hadn't been sleeping-after all Mirio and Tamaki are missing. The only evidence was Mirio's suicide note left on his desk. Nejire new his quirklessness had recently led to a woman getting shot in the chest because he failed to save her. It was a random store robbery- she was lucky to survive but Mirio.....

In the meantime,  Allmight and Izuku were having a discussion of their own struggles.

"No matter what I do, despite all these quirks I cant find them. I have no trace, I cant find their presence anywhere I've never come across this before..." Izuku said with a shaking voice, stressed and frustrated at himself, accidentally changing the weather to a storm.

"Young Midoriya relax, we will find them, we have to be professional about this. "

Izuku interrupted him- "Allmight.... whoever is behind this, despite me never thinking it was possible- they could be stronger than myself...I cant guarantee that if we find them someone doesnt die" he looked at allmight with the most worried face he had ever seen, frightened by this expression. 

What lovely acting.

Days have passed, no evidence has been found and Nejire is safe. Perhaps the kidnapper wont strike? Is it because they go for specific targets? Maybe only men? Its been almost a month and she hasn't even been in trouble- perhaps they aren't targeting The Big Three as we thought- until they heard her screaming

Her lounge room camera had a figure pulling her into a shadowed corner of her room. She scream and cried, her quirk wasnt working. Allmight watched from the camera on the phone with Aizawa and Izuku on the other line as they ran into her kitchen to lounge room.

"NEJIRE WE'RE COMING" Aizawa yelled. 

Izuku jumped ahead- attempting to punch the kidnapper- his fist going straight through the figure like smoke. Nejire Cried and screamed- "Please Help me!!! IT BURNS" Aizawa grabs the shadows arm on her but cant, its black smoke pulling her- no one can stop it.

Izuku grabs her arm and pulls back- but it doesnt work. Izuku then breathes in and blows.

The smoke disperses, revealing that the figure in the shadows was a familiar face.

It was Mirio... but he was different.

His eyes were pitch black and blood spilled from mouth with the biggest frightening smile on this face. Everyone was shocked and kept trying to rescue Nejire. 

She stood in shock as tears flowed down her face. His hands on her arm burn her arms but she was in a daze. 
Attempts to attack Mirio were useless as he was made of smoke. 

Suddenly he started laughing, it was scary, it was frightening. the room started growing dark as smoke filled the room- the hairs on the back of everyones neck stood up. The room Instantly filled pitch black and then gone. Everyone looked at eachother horrified.

The last thing they heard was Nejire's scream.

Nejire was thrown down the stairs, cutting her leg on the fall. 

"This one I just took for fun" Izuku said.

Mirio's eyes widened, the light hurt his eyes from not seeing it for so long. "Nejire?!" he yelled, squirming over to her. She was drowsy but she was okay, Mirio began to cry for two reasons. One being that he hadn't seen anyone in so long- it felt like it had almost been 2 months locked down here, but two was that she was stuck down here ....  

Mirio looked back at Izuku.

"Oh! I just remembered! You guys haven't eaten in a while! I guess I could probably tell you what you should do about that... " Izuku had a little chuckle.

Tamaki coughed blood as he struggled to see that Nejire was even infront of him. He was in great pain. He's been untreated for his injuries. He was swollen and would pass out constantly, and of course starving. 

"I'm not actually going to give you any food, I want you guys to choose who your gonna start eating! Im honestly super curious on your decision! Will you eat the poor dying Tamaki or Tomura? Or perhaps you feast on the fresh meat of the woman? "

"Come on guys! Your STARVING! Its the only option to not die! I'll even use one of my quirks to cut their limbs to eat if your too weak to bite through yourself!" Izuku laughed in excitement. 

Everyone was shocked on this proposal, speechless. What a disgusting criminal thought, where is the humanity in such an act?

Izuku waited for an answer, "How about this then... whoever you choose to devour the limb of, I will make it so they dont feel pain of their limb being off?"

Time passed. 


"M...m-irio" Tamaki whimpered. Mirio got out of his trance and looked over. The look Tamaki gave Mirio upset him. Tamaki was looking at him- suggesting that he volunteers.

Mirio shakes his head no, "No its disgusting" Mirio whispered back. This whole thing- this type of torture- for what? why? WHY WOULD HE DO THI-

Tamaki opened his mouth "I'll do i-"

Mirio IMMEDIATELY interrupted, "Take my leg" 

Izuku looked at them both, "Wow, Im impressed Mirio, honestly I wasn't expecting you to even speak"

A sudden pain hit Mirio, he looked down to see his leg shattered in clean slices- except the pain- blood was pouring everwhere and Mirio screamed and cried. He held his thigh and screamed. 

Tamaki was in shock, Mirios leg, its...its

"Oh yeaaaa sorry... yea so I lied about the no pain thing. I just did that for funnnnnn~ But if you just asked like 'we want real food' then I woulda just gave you some. Not gonna lie wasnt expecting you guys to cannibalise" Izuku began shutting the door, the happiest grin on his face as he saw Tamaki's expression....who was realising that the reason Mirio's leg was gone and he was screaming was just because he spoke

(Hiyaaaa! Sorry for not updating QwQ please forgib me I will try and update in more its just life has been stressful for me but Im bacc now so here we are! Also ngl I dont remeber where I was really going with this story but dw I got dis.

Also yea this chapter pretty crazy to start as my returning chapter lmao

ALSO ALSO I read the first too chapters and nlg idk wtf I was doing with Shinso so imma just assume hes in the basement somewhere locked with the others Im not sure when I reread the first chapter that shit confused me but its FINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE )

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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