An Inuzuka Returns!

Start from the beginning

"I am grateful to you for telling me that it is you, but I know that your family has looked for you day in and out since you left. Kiba will be at the academy soon, so, I figure that you could spend some time with Tsume. I know that she will just adore seeing her beloved daughter again." He said with a smile, and I chuckled, my dog like teething showing through. This was the perfect example to prove that I was a Inuzuka.

When Iruka left to go to the academy, I left with him so that I could travel back to my house. I made a deal with Iruka that I would show up at the academy to surprise everyone that I had to see, especially Kiba. I separated ways with Iruka and made my way to the household that I saw Kiba at. I had my mask on that covered my face, so when my mother opened the door, she was slightly surprised because she had no reason to suspect that it was me.

"Um, Yes?" She said, looking down at me. I took a deep breath, and removed my mask slowly. It was slower than I thought I would.

"Oh my... Kruno..?" She whispered, and I nodded slowly as I was engulfed in a hug. She wrapped her arms around me, and pulled me as close as she could. "Oh my little Kruno..." She whispered as she pulled me into the house, holding me close to her still. She was crying, and so was I. The dogs all surrounded us, and were whining and placing their heads on our bodies. My body was placed on my mothers' lap, and I buried my head into her neck. I had missed her so much.

"I missed you mother." I mumbled, kissing her cheek gently. She looked down at me and placed a gentle kiss to my forehead. She chuckled lightly, I could feel her tears against my skin.

"I missed you too, so much Kruno." She whispered before she sat me down on the couch beside her. "How on earth are you back, baby girl?" She said and I explained to her what all I had done to get back. I didn't go into details of everything that happened... because it was too hard for me to talk about right now. At least mom didn't pester me about it. I could trust her for that.

"Mommy, I have to go to the academy now. I want to see everyone. Especially Kiba, Shikamaru, and Sasuke!" I said with a giggle. "I cannot wait!"

"Alright baby, but take watamote with you. She is that puppy over that, I got her for you when I got your brother Akumaru." She said as a small puppy that looked just like the one that I had ran into earlier ran up to me. The only difference was that she had a solid spot of black over her right eye. I smiled and picked her up, placing her on my head. I heard my mother laugh, and I glanced over at her, tilting my head slightly.

"That's how your brother carries Akumaru." She said laughing, and I giggled too before I left the house, making my way towards the academy. I was nervous, but I was so excited. I pushed my shoulder length brown hair to the side, and smiled. I arrived at the academy and giggled loudly, looking up at the dog on my head. "Can you lead me to where they are, Watamote?" I said and she made a small yapping noise that I giggled about. She jumped off my head and made her way through the academy, and I followed after her.

We walked up to the second floor, and to a door on the very end. I placed my mask back on my face, so that Iruka would know that it was time for them to unfold their plans. I opened the door of the class, and everyone turned their eyes to look at me. A few people began to murmur, and Iruka only chuckled as he looked at me. He started the plan that the two had put together.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked, looking at me with a fake glare, but I knew it was taking everything he had not to laugh at me. I looked at him and turned my head slightly to the side like I was asking if he was stupid without talking.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now