Ascending Masters Part 2 Present

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The present moment is not just a feeling, but every passing moment as you observe your surroundings. If your thoughts are focused on the future or the past, you are not truly in the present. To be present, try focusing on the sensations around you, such as the texture of a leaf or the sound of a bird.

With practice, you can learn to sense your breath moving in and out of your body. This can help you stay grounded in the present moment and prevent your mind from racing with future thoughts. These exercises can be done at any time, such as while making a cup of tea.

Meditation can help you tap into your subconscious and focus on the present moment, seeking to achieve a sense of inner peace and enlightenment. This can be difficult, as our minds are often cluttered with past and future thoughts.

Even with various mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, dyslexia, heartburn, arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome, meditation, creativity, and dreaming have helped in coping with these challenges.

Living in the present moment and practicing meditation can help find inner peace and cope with life's challenges, helping as you pass into the next phase of continuity, with ascended masters such as Buddha, Jesus's daliLama.

To expand in consciousness is to become internationally ever-changing. Some ways to achieve Zen are meditation in every moment, ascending as you reach your mental limit, and consciousness internationally evolving. The Quantum signature soul is your body, mind, and quintessence/chi, and to use kia/rise out of yourself. That's the true test.

Humans produce 24,000 biophotons/ultraviolet invisible light per square meter. So, look up what Biophotons are and think of the meaning. Knowledge is key to understanding the evolution of the soul as Buddhists have mastered Meditation. Adopting some of their views is a part of life. The Biophoton mechanism itself is responsible for healing our body. So, if used correctly with humming/sound of your breath exhale, noticing that mechanism is a part of the changing process. Many think you need to meditate every day, but you can use that idea to be in the present each moment you are, adding to the building of chakra understanding that sound is color.

Light, sound, knowledge - light is enlightenment. These same biophoton mechanics that all life can produce is the light described in the Vedic texts. Reaching the enlightenment state is not a quick fix for controlling your life. Find somewhere that helps you.

Sound is the next key, like a great song. Your consciousness changes and has ups and downs as your mind grows and you know what's right and what's false. What works for you? For me, I hum my breath out and meditate each second of each day with the breath, a touch of plants and rocks as I go by in my life.

Knowledge and understanding are the last keys to understanding the self, the ego, and the present. You may find this helpful - present free, future = prison, past = anxiety.

While many people have different qualities, knowledge is the key to the successful execution of mental evolution. In time, your mind will feel lost. But to reach the level of understanding necessary for adequate change and leveling up through the ladder of consciousness, one needs a level of calm and cool that comes with knowledge.

Remember, knowing something to be fact does not mean it is a solid fact. Weigh up the options and find what makes sense, not just what everyone else is saying. Do not talk about your egocentric changes or argue about others' egos. Let them get to it in their own time.

Focus on yourself. You're the only one who can do this. Enlightenment will feel like calmness in the storm of life, a moment where all others melt together, and peaceful bliss mixed with calm coolness that lasts but seconds but gradually gets larger over time like a river of pooling water in the ocean of chi that is your breath.

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