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"Hey Isabella why are you so upset" Jasmine asked worried while following Isabella.
"My dad grounded me and as punishment I have to tutor his star player so he can play at there next game."
"Whats so bad about that"
"Did you forget where enemies"
"Oh it won't be that big of a deal your Gordon Bombay's daughter"
"That's easy for you to say you don't have a dad that was in the nhl and coached the ducks for so many years all I'm ever known for is my dads accomplishments and not mine"
"Yea, that must suck to not have a basic dad. Look on the bright side Charlie Conway is just so freaking hot"
"Oh shut up jasmine"
"Ok, lmfao see you tomorrow"
"Bye jasmine"
"Bye Isabella"
After Isabella's conversation with jasmine the school day was over and she drove herself home she was usually home alone because her dad was always coaching the boys hockey team right after school. When Isabella got home she did her math and language homework and once she had gotten done with all of that she took her dog out to the bathroom she had a brown pit bull named Ariel it was the last thing that her mom had given her before she passed six years ago. In a car accident.
"Isabella I'm home"
"Hey, dad how was practice"
"Same as usually"
Isabella and her dad ate supper together after Isabella had let her dog back in and gave her dog food and water. That night for supper they had steak and baked potato's.
"Isabella the first tutor session is tomorrow in the library during 6th period"
"Okay dad thanks for supper I have to go get ready for school and take a shower"
"Okay goodnight honey I love you"
"Goodnight dad love you to"
Isabella and her father had blond almost dirty blond hair and blue eyes. Isabella's hair meet in the middle of her back. That morning Isabella woke up for school at 7:00 am like she always did. That day she wore white converse,black leggings, a mighty ducks jersey to support her dad with her hair down and she wore tiny gold hoops.
Her dad always left the house 30 minutes before she has gotten up because his hockey players had 2 a day practices.
Isabella got into her car and when she got to school she saw jasmine.
"Good morning jasmine"
"I see your in a better mood today even tho you have to tutor I know it's gonna suck"
"Okay, bye jasmine see you at lunch"
At lunch
Isabella sat down at the table with jasmine and Alice.
"I wish we could sit outside but I'm a pussy to the cold weather" jasmine said while faking a shiver
"I know right" Alice chimed in
"Next period I have to tutor and I've never done it before." Isabella said freaking out a little bit
"How tf is lunch already over" jasmine said annoyed
"Idk see you guys later"
After lunch Isabella went to her locker and started walking down to the library for sixth period.
"Wait up Bombay" Charlie screamed behind her.
Isabella turned around in shock thinking what the hell is he doing. Isabella just froze and turned to look at Charlie. Once he caught up with her they both walked into the library together.
"What do you need help with Conway"
"I need help with math and if I don't pass your dads gonna have to kick me off the team"

Isabella thinking and how would that be my problem Conway.

"Okay what exactly are you struggling with?"
"Solving inequalities."
Oh jezz how could he be so dumb where sophomores oh well this is all for my dad.
Isabella explained to him what he need to do and talked him through everything.
"It looks the this session is over"
"You should come to my house Bombay to help me tomorrow the day before our Friday night game"
"Ig I can I'll tell my dad"
Isabella went to eighth period and all she could think about is that fact that she had to go to Conways house tomorrow because she never lied about her word and now she was wishing she could but she has to Remember that this is for her dad and not Conway.
"Dad can I go to Charlie's house tomorrow after school he asked me to come over tomorrow to tutor him"
"Yes, that's fine honey"
Later that night Isabella and her father had supper she had gotten ready for bed and now it was 10:30 at night typically the time when Isabella goes to bed and as soon as she's about to fall asleep she gets a little notification on her phone from and unknown number but the text says "sup, Bombay I bet you can't guess who this is and then it had Charlie's house location in the next text" wth is Charlie doing texting me at 10:30 at night.
Isabella called Charlie
Wtf charlie
What Isabella
Why are you texting me at 10pm at night
Calm down not everyone goes to bed at the same time as the grandma
Your such jerk
Goodnight Isabella
Isabella hung up the phone annoyed thinking wtf did I do to deserve this. I wonder who gave Charlie my number but I guess I don't really care. After that phone call Isabella calmed down and then went to bed.
The next Morning Isabella woke up to a text at 5:30am saying good morning and that was an hour before my dad had wanted them at hockey practice and today she decided to wake up earlier that 5:30 and she got her running clothes on and decided she would go on a mile run because she used to be in cross country before she just focused on her studies. Isabella ran by Charlie's house on her run and she didn't realize till that night it was his house but she just ignored it and didn't ever bring it up.
After Isabella's run and she took her shower she decided to text Charlie back saying hey and that all she said. After sending that text Isabella got ready she put on her white converse and black leggings with the same earrings from yesterday and today she wore a cross country hoodie from when she was in cross country a year ago.
Charlie found Isabella the next morning in school when she arrived.
"Hey why where you so grumpy last night"
"I don't know what your talking about" because Isabella didn't believe she did anything wrong
"Oh so we're pretending like you didn't do that ok Bombay see you tonight"
Later that day when Isabella saw her friends he told them about everything that happened last night. Then at 6pm Isabella drove over to Charlie's house once hockey practice was over.
Isabella texted Charlie
Hey I'm here
Okay I'm going down stairs
When Charlie went down to open the door you could tell he just got out of the shower and he only had on grey sweat pants and black socks.
"Sorry about that"
"Why are you sorry"
"I forgot to go get a shirt"
"It's fine it's not like it's distracting Conway"
"Okay if you say so Bombay"
Isabella kinda did find it distracting but she couldn't let Charlie know that.
"How the hell has it already been 4 hours" Isabella said freaking out.
"Calm down it's okay. Will you be at the game tomorrow"
"Idk why do you want me to be Conway"
"No I'm fine if you don't"
"Okay we'll goodnight Conway"
"Goodnight Bombay"
On the drive home Isabella could only think about how much she hated herself why the hell do I find him so attractive. God damt Isabella he's a stuck up jock. Why do I like when he calls me Bombay what is wrong with me I'm acting like I cheerleader I need to stop I'm only going to the game for my dad and that final.
"I'm sorry dad I didn't realize I was gonna be gone so long"
"It's ok but now because of that you have to go to the game"
It was the second night that Isabella had gone to bed with the thought about Charlie on her mind.
She was thinking about waking up early making sure she didn't look like trash when she never cared before.
Isabella decided not to go on a run when she woke up she wore all the basic things she already stuff she did since it was game dad she wore her dads mighty ducks jersey and wore her black leggings,white converse and a black hoodie underneath the jersey she had on. She wore her hair down like usual. That morning when Isabella walked into the school she went into area where they practiced to hockey to fine Conway.
"CONWAY" Isabella screamed across the room
"BOMBAY" Charlie screamed back
And all Isabella could think is what are we doing once Charlie was next to Isabella she started talking to him.
"Why where you looking for me this morning"
"Idk why not change it up your always looking for"
When Isabella said that Charlie blushed but pretended it was just because he was practicing hockey for the last 2hours.
"Okay sure maybe it's because I was right about you liking me. Are you going to the game tonight"
Charlie got so happy that she said that but her acted like it didn't matter to him.
"Ok while by Conway I just wanted to tell you good luck tonight."
Isabella caught back up with her friends
"Why are you walking around the school with Charlie"
Jasmine asked
"Idk he's ok"
"Dude I Remember you calling him an enemy"
"Yea ik... I gotta go"
"Okay whatever see you Isabella"
Isabella went home and dropped off her school things at home.
"Dad I'm gonna go to the game in a little bit"
"See you there honey"
"Bye dad"

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