Exam Season. SFW.

Start from the beginning

There you were, this time at your desk, head nodding in repetition as you mumbled a string of formulas over and over. Your hand was wildly flailing across white paper, ink gradually covering the page. The Principal sighed. How could Larissa ever be disappointed with you? It was entirely impossible. Sure, she felt frustrated and helpless at times. But just the mere sight of you had her swooning, an adoring smile blossoming on her face as all preceding negative thoughts and feelings dissipated.

The Principal softly stepped into the room, tactically guiding the door back into its frame as to not startle you. She took a second, before quietly sauntering in your direction as she cleared her throat.

You didn't react.

"[y/n], darling," Larissa tried as she paused in front of your desk. You hummed in response, acknowledging her presence but too enthralled in your work to let your focus wander. Your first exam was two days away and Larissa understood, more than anybody else, how important that was to you. However, it was still not too important for you to not take adequate care of yourself, and Larissa needed to get that across to you, even if she felt hesitant to upset you.

"[y/n]. Can we talk, darling?"

You hummed again.

"ProperlyCan we talk properly?" The Principals voice rose a few syllables.

Before you could rudely brush the tall woman off again with a hum, Larissa guided your pen out of your cramped hand, finally grasping your full attention as you looked up at her in annoyance and surprise.

"Hey! I need that!"

"And I need to speak with you," Larissa fired back.

"Well, can it wait? I'm in the middle of something important," you huffed before closing your eyes in an attempt to cool down.

Poor girl, the Principal thought. Dealing with handfuls of disobedient students a day and then bickering with you right after, could often be confusing for Larissa and she made it a habit to remind herself that you were not just an insolent student, you were her hardworking, intelligent, brilliant girlfriend.

The blonde rounded your desk, crouching down beside your chair so she was eye-level with you, "Hey, take a deep breath, darling."

You side-eyed the older woman in fury, convinced she was attempting to rile you up, as every time she opened her mouth, you inched closer and closer to tearing your hair out. Nevertheless, you did as she asked, not being able to disobey whenever the tall blonde was so gentle and patient with you. Larissa didn't deserve your frustration — she wasn't the cause of it.

"Good girl," Larissa softly praised, finally rising from her crouched position. Her heels tapped along the wooden floors before silencing as she perched onto the edge of your desk, looking down at you with crossed arms.

You raised an eyebrow, "What did you want to talk about, 'Rissa? I'm busy."

"Yes, I know, darling. So busy that you're neglecting yourself again, aren't you?" Larissa cockily replied and you dramatically sighed, slumping back in your seat.

It was one of your only flaws, but it was certainly your greatest — you were stubborn as a rock.

"I'm not doing this with you again."

"What have you eaten today, [y/n]?" Larissa cleverly continued, "Have you drank any water? When was the last time you slept more than three hours?"

A blanket of silence fell upon the room and you avoided Larissa's burning gaze, afraid that your eyes would tell her everything. But there wasn't anything you could say that she didn't already know.

The Principal sighed, "I'm not here to attack you—"

"It certainly feels that way."

"Well, In that case I apologise," Larissa stated, "However, we've had this conversation many times before, darling. I know that deep down you don't blame me for my concern."

Your focus fell upon the scatter of papers that painted your desk. Maybe Larissa was right; you weren't even aware of the time, or when the last hot meal you ate was. You remembered being thirsty that morning, but you had told yourself you'd take a break in thirty minutes — those thirty minutes never came. Hours ago, your spine had felt like it was being torn out of your back with pliers. Now, it was a dull ache, just like everything else.


"What?" You spat, and it came out harsher than intended. There was a second where Larissa looked taken aback. You immediately felt furious with yourself, in turn taking your anger out at her. "Leave me alone, will you? Go annoy somebody else."

You snatched your pen back up, finding the piece of paper you had been writing on and continuing solving yet another impossible equation as Larissa gathered herself together. She bit down her clever remarks, swallowed the lump in her throat and brushed the singular tear from the corner of her eye. The door closed sharply when she left.

As the sun began to rise, hours later, the beaming light started aggravating your vision, hitting your iris just right. Only then did it dawn on you, as you shifted your back to the window and your eyes focused on the clock on the wall, that you had been studying for twenty-four hours straight. Your eyes were red raw, itchy and droopy as you wobbled up from your chair, stretching and wincing at the pull of your stiff muscles.

You sauntered across your bedroom with a slight limp as your body gradually got used to moving again. Just as you were about to reach for your phone as it remained charging on your nightstand, it lit up. Twenty three messages, all from Larissa.

Larissa — god, she must've been so upset with you; you'd practically spat in her face and kicked her out of the door.

You abandoned all previous plans of taking a shower and napping, rushing out of your room with urgency. Thankfully, it was too late (or early) for anybody to be roaming the halls, so you could freely sprint through the building without distraction, panting once you'd reached Larissa's office.

Two desperate knocks punctuated on the Principals door, drawing Larissa's attention as she cosied up by her fireplace with a crossword puzzle in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. She barely had the chance to lazily sing 'come in' before you flung the door open.

"Darling girl—"

"I'm so sorry, 'Rissa..."

The blonde shoved her magazine aside and you darted into her open arms in relief, fingers twisting into her satin sleep-shirt. You didn't wonder why she was still awake — you already knew. Larissa cared too deeply — she could never sleep knowing you were possibly upset with her.

"Ssh, you're forgiven already, darling. I'm not cross with you," Larissa hushed as she pressed her lips to the top of your head, absentmindedly rocking you in her arms. "That being said, we have to talk."

Tearing away from her warmth with dread building in your stomach, you looked up into her cool blues, listening intently this time. Like she always deserved.

"I'm worried about you, [y/n]," the blonde started. "You haven't slept a wink in days, darling — there's bags under your eyes to prove it. You don't socialise with any of your classmates anymore and when was the last time you ate a proper meal?"

"I haven't had the time—"

"There's always time to nourish your body," Larissa insisted.

You looked down into your lap, "Not today, there wasn't."

"Then make time.'

You bit your lip, nodding in understanding as Larissa made quite a compelling point. Disappointing your lover felt like the worst punishment — Larissa knew that as well as you did. So when you sheepishly looked up, a small unsure smile playing on your lips, Larissa knew the worst part was already over.

"...Did you leave me any dinner?"

The Principal blew out a soft breath, a reassuring smile pulling at the corners of her mouth, "There's stir fry in the microwave, darling."

You wrapped your arms around Larissa's neck, squeezing her in a thankful embrace, whispers of 'i love you', 'I'm sorry' and 'thank you' spilling from your lips.

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