Prologue: We are SO leaving!

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Space. Time. Reality.

It's not a linear equation, but a prism of infinite realities. Where a single choice can branch out and create whole worlds, different than the ones you know.

I am the Watcher. I am your guide to these strange new worlds. Follow me and ponder. . .

What if?

"-Leaving! We are so leaving!" Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III declared as he walked into a rocky cove with a basket of supplies. "Let's pack up. Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation. . . Forever." 

With the cove appearing to be empty, if anyone saw Hiccup now, they would think that he had lost his mind. But the cove was not empty. And if they saw who or what Hiccup was talking to, they'd still think him mad regardless.

See, Hiccup is a Viking. Not your average Viking due to the lack of muscles that wasn't between his ears and a lack of bloodlust, but a Viking nonetheless. A son of a chief no less! In which the chief must be stronger than the rest. Tougher than his village and violent if need be. Hiccup was not that Viking.

I bet your asking, what does his status of Viking have anything to do with this? Well, his friend, his best friend,  his . . . only friend on the island, was a dragon, one of the species that his people just happen to be at war with for survival.


But it wasn't just any dragon. It wasn't a Deadly Nadder with the hottest fire of any dragon. It wasn't a Gronckle with the toughest hide. It wasn't an exotic two headed Hideous Zippleback. It wasn't a Monstrous Nightmare, the dragon the best Vikings go after. Or even a small Terrible Terror.

Nope. Hiccup just has to make a statement when it comes to choices in life. This dragon was the deadliest, the most feared, the dreaded and respected dragon known to Vikings in the Barbaric Archipelago. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. The Night Fury.

Now, you're probably wondering the same thing. How? How did he. the runt, do it?  How did he befriend the deadliest creature known to Vikings? Well, it goes like this: During a Dragon Raid, he was so desperate to prove himself, so he took one of his inventions and shot down this Night Fury with the desire to kill him.

Talk about first impressions, am I right?

But you have to understand. Doing so would have caused the village to finally treat him right, like an equal and not an outcast. They'd through a feast in his honor. The adults would sing him praises. Most of the teens would drop at his feet, begging for his forgiveness. For all the pain they brought him. Both physical and emotional. Astrid Hofferson, a Shield Maiden to be, and arguably the best warrior in his generation would be impressed and see him as a friend at the most.

Killing the dragon would immediately earn him the village's love, something he had been striving for years. Finally, he would no longer suffer in loneliness. Finally, he would be accepted. FINALLY, HIS OWN FATHER WOULD TRULY LOVE HIM!

But, when the young Viking heir found his prey, tied up and helpless and accepting death, Hiccup found himself lacking the will to go through with it.  Wouldn't go through with it. Instead of killing him, he see the dragon free.

"A dragon always go for the kill." That was a moto of the Vikings that had been drilled into their heads from generation to generation. Hiccup had been sure that was going to come true once the beast had pounced on the boy, but all it did was roar in his face before flying off. Sparing the human just as the human had for him seconds before. The Night Fury had plenty of opportunities after that, the means and the motive to kill Hiccup, but he didn't. If the Night Fury didn't go for the kill like the adults had said, what else was wrong about the dragons?

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