Part 2 Of Part 9

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Sorry I haven't been posting lately i have been having ✨mental issues✨

Anyway On to the story!

Izuku POV:
Kacchan and I laid in bed for about 2 more hours, after we went back to bed. I woke up, and was jittery to start working. Although there's nothing to work on I still need to work on something.
"Kacchan...." I groan out
"What...." he says grumbly still half asleep.
"Can we get out of bed and go do something?"
"Yay!" I say hopping out of bed. I walk over to my notebook still on my desk, and flip to any random page to start working. "Laser. Shouldn't be too hard." I say.
"Do we have to go out deku...."
"Yes Kacchan if I want to get the parts."
"Ugh... I get up to go get dressed, I pull in some dark blue ripped jeans, and a light green shirt, I grab one of Kacchan's hoodies as well. He puts on some grey sweats (Whew 🥵) and a black tank top. We walked out to join the rest of Kacchan's class, they were doing a bonfire since it was a lil chilly., but it appeared they were having trouble starting it. With Todoroki away or IcyHot as Kacchan calls him, no one had a fire quirk so there was no fire.
"What's wrong damn extras?" Kacchan says
"We can't make a bonfire." Uraraka says pouting. As much as I want to start working on my Laser, I sighed and stuck my hand out. Everyone looked at me weird but when I had a little flame float in front of my hand, and placed it towards the pit, everyone cheered.
"Whoa! Midobro I didn't know you had a quirk!" Kirishima says.
"I-it's not much, but I better get to class, you guys are lucky you have a day off." I say
"Yea I guess we are pretty lucky, but you have more time to focus on your academics than we do. *Kero*" Asui says.
"Yea, anyway I gotta get going guys! Bye!" I say hurrying off.

Katsuki POV:

After Izuku runs off to go build whatever, I look around at all the extras.
"Yo, Bakubro! I didn't know Midobro had a quirk!" Shitty Hair called to me.
"Yea well he does Shitty Hair!" I called back
"That could make for an epic quirk!"
"I-uh" I was gonna say not really since he hasn't worked with it, but now that I think about it he possibly could. "Whatever Shitty Hair!"

As the night goes on I keep thinking about Izuku being in the hero course, although, he likes creating things and he's not very strong with his quirk, but he could make a promising hero. Apparently I started muttering like the nerd, because Frog girl came up and asked if I was okay.
"Bakugo are you alright? Your muttering like Midoriya."
"What-uh gah I'm fine."
"*Kero* alright" She walked away or should I say hopped away. I looked at my phone it was only noon. Shit, that nerds going to be in there till 4 since he missed some lessons. I sit down in a lawn chair, and play on my phone, we don't have any activity's planned till 1 so I have an hour to kill. I play on my phone till someone snatched it out of my hand.
"What the hell Damn it!" I yell. I look up to see Shitty Hair, holding my phone.
"No phone Bakubro! It's a social event."
"Fuck social events." I say.
"C'mon man, just because your little boyfriends not here doesn't mean you still can't have fun." At the mention of Deku I remembered he wasn't even there, my phone had distracted me.
"D-De-Deku....?" I say
"W-wha? No Bakubro it's Kirishima!"
"D-Deku?!" I yell
"Bakubro he's not here."
"W-where is he?!" I yell. What the hell am I saying I know where he is. "Deku!" I yell again.
"Yo someone get Midobro! Fast!" Kirishima yelled. Ilda ran to get him. He returned fairly quickly claiming Deku couldn't leave class.
"I'm sorry Bakugo his teacher won't let him leave since he missed a couple days." Ilda says.
"GOD DAMN IT!" I scream.
"Someone call Izuku on Bakugo's phone." Pink Cheeks yells. Shitty Hair unlocked my phone, and called Izuku. He picked up but put his phone on mute, Shitty Hair did the same, because as long as I see Izuku I'm okay. He hands me the phone and I smile.
"Deku" I say calming down. I stare at his side of the call, watching him write down notes and mutter to himself. I smile just watching him work. A couple minutes later he moves all his stuff to a different room, with tools and sharp machines. He places glasses on his face for safety. I smirk at how cute he looks. Apparently I was on call for an hour, because we were starting our activities. I unmute and let Izuku know I have to go. He says okay and hangs up. I put my phone in my pocket. As I join my group. Big Boobs has started organizing the competitions and how we can get 1st on the class poll. I go up against Dunce Face in the pie eating contest, then i'm with the winner of Pink Cheeks and Shitty Hair.

After about 30 minutes Izuku shows up. I rush over and bear hug him.
"I thought you weren't able to come till 4!"
"I got all my work done, I just needed to build something I got my notes but needed my workshop points"
"Well I'm glad now C'mon" I bring him over to the quirk test. He's gonna be going against Mineta since he signed up last and no one wanted to fight the pervert. After the standings were established, it was Izuku and Minetas fight.

It was a pretty even fight, Mineta was running low on balls, and then he did one thing everyone knows not to do in battle. Taunt. He started taunting Izuku and enraging the him. Within a blink of an eye Izuku's whole body was engulfed in flames his hair flying wildly, and his eyes white. He lifted the fire off his body and threw it fast at Mineta. Thankfully he got hit with the flames. When we turned back to Izuku he was standing there almost passed out. Thats when I remember my moms warning.


Now Katsuki, Izuku has a quirk but it's never to be used in rage or for anyone's gain even if it's just a game. It's too dangerous to be used in anything but small amounts so whatever you do don't push his limits.

🫶End of flashback🫶

I rush over to Izuku.
"Calm down!" I yell. Izuku turns to me and opens his arms.
"Kacchan now I can be with you, I'm free, I thought you'd be happy?" He says
"I like the tinkering nerd who's always mumbling not the psycho who almost killed somebody with one shot!"
"WELL IM NOT!" He screamed. The whole class was silent. "I'm tired of being a push over I'm tired of helping and not getting thanks! IM TIRED OF EVERYTHING!!" He screams, red tears falling from his eyes.
"Izuku I'm sorry you feel that way, but you need to stop!" I yell.
"No!" he yells
"Awe Kacchan don't cry! I'm not more powerful than you!"
"Izuku listen. You need to st-.." Before I finish my sentence Izuku falls to the ground. "Izuku!" I yell running! "No no no no!" I listen for the sound of a heartbeat. I hear it and relax a little.
"Uhh Bakubro? Everything good?" Shitty Hair says. I turn around and give him a glare. I turn back to Izuku and pick him up. I carry him on my back as we leave the field.
"Bakubabe where are you going?"
"Recovery Girl then out dorm." I spit out salty. With that not another word is said.

After we visited recovery girl, we went to our dorm. I started drawing Izuku a bath when I heard him stir.
"Kacchannnnn" I heard him say.
"Yea Izu?"
"C-can you come here?"
"One second." I say as I check the water. "Nice and warm" I think to myself. I then head back to the bedroom and stand infront of Izuku.
"Kacchan..what happened?" I sigh reluctant to tell him, eventually I say
"You used your quirk in anger and well you may or may not have almost burned Mineta to a crisp." I see the look of horror on his face.
"Good thing I never use my quirk huh?"
"I guess so, but with training I have a feeling you could be a good hero."
"Kacchan we went over this, I'm no hero, that's you, I want to work as an engineer at an agency preferably yours but we'll see."
"Always loved building huh?"
"Yea." He says with a loud sigh.
"Okay I have a bath ready for ya, c'mon I say lifting him up."
"It's nice and warm Kacchan."
"Yes it is."
"Thank you." he says. I nod my head as a response.


"Yea Izu?"


"I love you"

"I love you too"

Word Count: 1539! 😍🥰


In In other news this will be mainly fluff from now on, again sorry to smut readers but i literally can not write smut.

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