Part 8

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Okay sorry I haven't written a chapter recently, I went on a retreat and wasn't allowed on my phone. I also had to get back into a routine with a fucked up block schedule for school. Over an hour of math 😭.

Anyway this takes place about a week after Aizawa says he'll get them a dorm.

imma do Kats POV 🫶

Katsuki POV:
Crippling Depression says he'll get me and Izu our own dorm. That was about a week ago. Now we're both moved in. Izuku doesn't have a lot of his almight stuff in our room, guess he left it at home. It's about 3pm me and Izu are sitting in our dorm, and he's reading some sort of book. I'm not sure what book but it's apparently interesting since he's jotting things down.

"Oi Izu." I say
"Y-yea Kacchan..?" He replies stuttering at my voice. Still scared of me a little I guess.
"What are you reading?" I ask in a nicer tone?
"Oh this thing?"
"They Both Die In The End by Adam Silvera"
"Wait your reading that too?!"
"Yea, have you read it yet?"
"Yea it's actually my favorite!" I say sounding enthusiastic. I quickly go back to playing on my phone. I hear Izu laugh. "What's funny nerd?" I ask
"Nothing." He says laughing.
"I'm not lying!" he says laughing again.
"It's just..."
"Just what?"
"Nothing." He says. I get up and walk over to him. I place my hand down on the bed and get eye level with him.
"Just what Izu~" I whisper in his ear.
"I knew you were secretly a nerd." He says as he playfully pushed me away from his ear.
"You know I'm not."
"Yea yea whatever you say for your ego." I throw a pillow at his head.
"I don't have a ego."
"Mhm." He says as he leans back to continue reading.

(Guys i completely forgot abt Bakugos bday! I published Part 6? On the 20th completely oblivious to his bday! So that's gonna be the next chapter since it would be about the 20th in the story! Again sorry for those who noticed.)

I end up falling asleep to the silence. I toss and turn for about a good 30minutes after I wake up. I feel for something warm. And I find a pillow. I grab that and cuddle it. But it doesn't work. I get up to go sleep with Izu. When I reach his side of the dorm I lay in his bed, but it's empty.

✌️Angst Warning✌️
I search our whole dorm for any sign of Izu. But nothing. No note or anything. I text his phone, and hear the vibration in the room. Damn asshole left his phone here. I pace back in forth. I probably do that for about ten minutes before I feel tears roll down my cheek. "Am I crying? No I can't be I'm Katsuki Bakugo." I think to myself.

It's been almost and hour since Izuku's been gone. I feel like I haven't been able to breathe for about 50 minutes. I can breathe but not very well. I hear a knock on my door. I try to get up but I fall to the floor. I then hear the handle turn. I see a tall figure standing in the doorway. The run over to me and help me up.

"Yo Bakubro?! You okay??" It's shitty hair?! AGAIN! I mean at least it's not that IcyHot bastard. "Bakubro!" He yells again. I look up at him hyperventilating and tears streaming down my cheeks. Shitty Hair whips out his phone and calls someone.
"Yea he's right here he's not doing so well....WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WONT BE BACK FOR A WHILE!" He screams. I've never seen him scream. In all honesty I backed up. He hangs up the phone, then turns to me. He hands me the phone.
"H-hello..." I say still not being able to breathe.
"Kacchan! I'm so sorry! I thought I would only be out for 10 minutes but there's traffic! And then some villains attacked! I won't be back at UA for a while!"
"S-stay right t-there I-I'm on my my way..." I say standing up.
"Bakubro your not stable to go fight!"
"Yea Kacchan just stay there."
"No! I'm not letting you get hurt!"
"Please Kacchan."
"No! Give me your location or I'll find you myself." I say. I hear a sigh on the other end of the phone.
"Alright Kacchan. I'm at XXXX across from XXXX."
"Alright, I'll be there soon with some of our classmates."
"Alright Kacchan." He says as I hang up. I turn to Kirishima.
"Round up those damn extras." I say as I grab my hero costume from my closet.

✨Mini time skippp✨
When we reach Deku's location, I see a couple of villains there, none too strong, but Dabi and Toga. Shitty Hair had rounded up, Four Eyes, Dunce Face, Raccoon eyes, Half and Half, Crippling Depression and of course the symbol of peace All Might.

(Okay yall I can't write action so uhhhh sorry, but i can try to do some scenes)

(okay I came back 3 hours later no ideas so we're just gonna skip to the end)

With the Villians retreating, many hero's were injured. Round Face was helping IcyHot as well as Four Eyes. Crippling Depression was checking on everyone. Me? I was over by Izu crying my eyes out.
"Kacchan I'm okay!"
"Kacchan look at me. I'm not going to die, It's just blood and a couple broken bones."
"If I had gotten here soon-..." I was cut off by Deku kissing me.
"It doesn't matter right now. All that matters is that your here, and alive." He says. His eyes sparkling from the light of the setting sun. I hood Deku close to me as I cry. I know he's not going to die, his injuries aren't fatal but it still hurt to see him hurt. We get all the injured to Jaku General Hospital. I sit in Deku's room holding his hand. Auntie Inko sitting on the opposite side of me, holding his other hand. My oldies have already come through to help comfort, that was about 30minutes ago.

"Thank you for taking care of Izuku." Auntie says. I chuckle.
"It's hard when he keeps getting himself into trouble."
"Your not wrong, but still. Thank you Katsuki."
"Your welcome."
"Mom you can leave now." Izuku says.
"Alright baby I'll leave you and Katsuki alone." She says as she walks out. I look at Izuku and he looks sad.
"What's wrong baby?"
"A couple of things.."
"And those are?..."
"W-well when you got t-told I was pan...I heard it all...including your silence...I wanted to tell you myself but didn't know how to and when they told you and knew I wanted to tell felt like betrayal...." He says tears forming. I stayed silent to let him finish. "A-and when Denki was talking to me..and you asked "What are you doing?" Denki replied saying "talking to the pans" then you said "what is Deku in there?" That kind of hurt because i-it made me think you were making a joke about w-who I am...and and I didn't know how to think about it...."

Without knowing it I started crying.
"I-i'm so sorry I made you feel this way baby...I-...." We stayed silent just crying for a while, till we both calmed down.
"At least you know now..huh?"
"Yea..I do."
"Hey Kacchan..?"
"I love you.."
"I love you too you stupid nerd." I say laying my head next to his.
Deku gets out a couple days later. We head back to the dorm and I pull him into the room.
"Kacchan we can cuddle laterrr"
"No." I say pulling him to the bed. I lay down and wrap my hands around his waist.
"Kacchan." He says laughing.
"My Deku..." I say.
"Yes I'm yours Kacchan, I always will be." He says. We both drift off to sleep. I wake up before Deku, but I pull him closer because I don't want to leave him.
"Kacchan we have school...." He says.
"Yes we can't be late.."
"No." I say again.
"If I go to school you won't survive the day."
"Y-yea I will..."
" can barely handle it when I go into the bathroom without you."
"N-no I don't."
"Please Kacchan?"
"No." Izuku sighs.
"Always stubborn aren't you Kacchan?" He laughs. I lay back down in bed not wanting to get out.

Word Count ✨1456✨
I know it's rather short! But! I needed to give y'all a chapter. I hope you liked it.. And next is Just smth For Bakugo's bday!

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