"I know, I know," Xavier said. "But I'm ready for this. I want to show Sofia that I can handle it."

"Good luck with that," Zoe said, chuckling. "But seriously, I'm proud of you for taking this step. You're going to be a great dad."

A few days later, Xavier received the baby products he had ordered with his sister's help. He had decided to set up the nursery himself instead of paying someone else to do it. He wanted to prove to Sofia that he was capable of taking care of their child.

He cleared out the guest room and started to assemble the crib. It took him a while to figure out the instructions, but he eventually got it done. Next, he set up the changing table and arranged the shelves with the baby clothes and toys.

As he worked, he thought about how much his life was about to change. He knew that taking care of a baby was a huge responsibility, but he was determined to do his best. He imagined holding his child in his arms and feeling a sense of joy and purpose like he had never felt before.

As he finished setting up the nursery, he stepped back and looked at his work. It wasn't perfect, but he was proud of what he had accomplished. He had created a cozy and welcoming space for his child to grow and thrive.


Sofia sat on her bed playing with her fingers nervously. Jenna had kept her hostage only feeding her half a meal and enough water to keep her going, but still not enough. She was weak but wasn't going to give up.

Jenna went through Sofia's phone while sitting across from her with the gun still pointed at her. She came across a picture of Sofia and Xavier at the doctor's office and felt a surge of jealousy.

"Whats your plan, Jenna?" Sofia asked her.

"To kill you." She answered.

"So why not just kill me and get it over with?" She asked.

Jenna laughed. "Don't worry you'll be dead soon enough you fucking slut."

Just then Sofia's phone rang and Jenna smirked. "Time to see how well you can act. After all you acted like you weren't fucking my husband right?"

Sofia shook her head. "I won't."

Jenna got up and pointed the gun to Sofia's head. "You don't have a choice." She told her then gave her the phone.

Sofia hesitatantly took the phone shaking and answered the call.

Sofia: "Hey." She said with her voice almost cracking.

Xavier: "Hey, I have a surprise for you. Can I come pick you up?"

Sofia: "No! I mean...... I'm busy."

Xavier: "With?"

Sofia: "I'm just not feeling well."

Xavier: "Why, what's wrong?"

Jenna mouthed,'wrap it up.'

Sofia: "Did you ever talk to the reporter guy?"

Xavier: "What?"

Sofia: "The one I told you about at the doctor."

Xavier: "Sofia, are you okay?"

She laughed nervously. She needed Xavier to connect the dots.

"Hurry up." Jenna whispered.

Sofia: "Yeah. I just had some waffles. You know how much I love them."

There was silence on Xavier's line.

Xavier: "Waffles, huh?"

Sofia: "Yup." She said, glancing at Jenna nervously.

Xavier: "Do you need me to bring you some waffles Sofia?" He asked with his voice serious.

Sofia: "Yes."

Jenna grabbed the phone ending the call. "Seriously? That's the best you could do? Waffles?" Jenna said shaking her head. "You're even more stupid than I thought."

Sofia sighed in relief. Hopefully Xavier got the message.

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