Chapter 3.Morning

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And now it's 6 in the morning, Blade's voise is heard from the street

- Get up!

The sleepy girl got up, took her backpack and left the hangar.

Looking around the base in the morning, the girl drew attention to the simply beautiful, morning view.

Looking the other way, she met the cold, almost expressionless gaze of the helicopter.

-uh.. - the girl was a little confused - hello?

Blade silently began to take off

From the strong wind that was created while Blade was spinning the blades, the girl began to step back and in the end just fell to the ground.

The helicopter just took off and after a while disappeared behind the mountain.

- idiot - whispered the girl rising from the ground.

- are you okay? - Maru left one of the hangars

-I am fine.

Maru just smiled.

Let's go, tell about yourself at breakfast?

- Certainly

Veronika went - after Maru.

Let's go, tell about yourself at breakfast?

- Certainly

Veronika went -after Maru.

They reached one of the largest hangars in which life was in full swing.

Everyone was already awake and some were just talking to each other, while others were still waking up.

So guys, it's breakfast time.

Maru with an off-road vehicle was instructed in front of the guys by strange cans.

Maru drove up to the girl

- what do you generally eat? It's just that I have a suspicion that our food might not be suitable for you.

- One second, I think I had something in my backpack.

The girl took out an apple and approached the guys.

- Do you eat apples? - one of the yellow car with a saw in front looked at the girl.

- yes, we eat. Do you also have apples?

- Yeah, there are several apple trees behind the hangars, though there are no ripe apples there yet, but the green ones are hanging.

- nothing, in extreme cases I will not die of hunger.

- so you tell us about yourself? Where are you from? - The yellow seaplane looked at the girl with special interest

Everyone turned their gazes to the girl who twisted the apple in her hands.

- Well .. My name is Veronika, I'm 12 years old

-12 Yes, you are still quite small - again a seaplane

- Dipper, please do not interrupt . Let her tell - Maru looked at plane with a little evil look

- Oh, yes, please forgive me, continue - Dipper drove away a little as if embarrassed and just silently began to look at the teenager.

- to be honest, I don't know how I got here ... I remember a little. I remember walking through the forest.. It seems I had a fight with my parents and ran away from home, this explains the backpack with food and clothes and the rest, although there may be something else, I didn't check all the pockets, but okay, we are not talking about the backpack now ..

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