"So, now what?" he asked. 

"Oh, now we wait," Tom replied, reeling in his line a bit.       

Teresh watched the water, hearing the sounds of birds chirping around them. Then asking, "How long does this usually take?"

"Depends. Could be a few minutes, might take ten to fifteen, we may get no bites at all," Tom answered. 

"Oh..." Teresh replied, "so we just stand and wait?"

"Mhm," he responded. 

The minutes began to melt into one another. Surrounded by the woods, the blue sky above them, and the glint of the morning sun just below the trees. Tom reeled in his hook, casting it back out. With Teresh following suit shortly after. It was quiet, serene, and relaxing. Tom wasn't sure if he could do this every day of his life, but he'd love to make a hobby out of it. There was something rewarding about it, especially with Teresh here. He felt like he was truly making memories.

"It's nice here," Teresh said, breaking the silence. 

Tom nodded, "Mom used to take me up here every couple of years. Spend a few days away from home. Bit of hiking, camping, making smores... it's nice."      

"I've heard about those. It's a dessert, right?" Teresh asked. 

"Mhm. Got your graham cracker, chocolate, and marshmallows. Roast those bad boys over the fire, a nice golden brown. Slap it all together and bam. You've got yourself a perfect way to end the night," Tom explained, zoning out as he reminisced. 

"Tom! Tom!" Teresh's voice snapped him out of it, seeing splashing in the distance. "I got one!"  

 Tom set his rod down by his seat, going to Teresh's side. Giving him support, but making sure to let him do it himself. He started to guide him as the fish fought against him in the distance.

"Okay, don't panic. Keep a firm grip on the pole and let him tire himself out. Once you feel a bit of give, start reeling. Once he fights again, give him some slack," Tom explained, watching Teresh follow his orders. 

Teresh gripped his fishing pole for dear life. The fish continued to splash and fight, seeing glimpses of bright silver near the top of the water. Once there was a moment of slack, Teresh pounced. His talons closing around the handle and reeling in the fish. It began to fight again, so he stopped to let it tire out just like Tom said. He continued this process over and over again, the line getting closer to them at the shore. 

"C'mon kid, you got this. You've got him on the ropes," Tom encouraged, fully invested in the moment. 

"I think... almost..." Teresh continued, feeling the line give some slack, "got you!"

Teresh reeled the line in, Tom leaping at the water and plunging his arms in. Going up to his elbows, Tom grabbed the fish from under its mouth and hoisted it up out of the water. Its greenish body came into view, realizing that it was a bass. Teresh was nearly jumping out of his boots as Tom unhooked the fish and put it into the ice cooler that he brought with them. Giving Teresh another hearty high five. 

"That's what I'm talking about!" Tom yelled in celebration. 

Teresh reveled in his success and picked up his rod again, replying, "I thought I was going to lose it, but then I gave it slack like you said, and I just had it."

"I knew you could do it, you did great," Tom continued, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

Teresh laughed, "Thanks farja!"

He stopped cold, right as the words left his beak. The sting of embarrassment creeping up his cheeks. All he was waiting for was Tom to make a joke or...

"Well come on, let's see if you keep getting lucky," Tom said, gesturing towards the bait cup. 

Teresh was confused for a moment, and let out a breath. I guess he didn't hear me, thank goodness. I'd never be able to live that down, he thought.

He and Tom continued fishing for the next few hours. Between them they only landed two more fish, only one being large enough to put in the cooler. They reeled in their rods, with Tom helping Teresh pack the things up and clean up with some wipes. Getting their hands clean and ready for lunch. Tom brought out two brown bags and gave Teresh his as they settled into their chairs. 

"What you're about to eat is true human gourmet. The crème de la crème," he explained as Teresh opened up the bag. 

Out of it came a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut into triangles, a bag of potato chips, a juice pouch, and a small brownie. Teresh was instructed in human custom as Tom had him put his chips in his sandwich, and eat it together like that. A satisfying crunch from both the salty chips and the peanuts within the sandwich, matched by the fruity taste of the grape jelly. The peanut butter stuck to parts of his mouth on occasion, but nothing that a good sip of sweet juice couldn't fix. Ending with a delicious, sweet brownie that concluded the meal. 

They sat in their chairs, enjoying the warmth of the sun as it crested over the tree line. The morning now fully set in, and inching towards midday. They both relaxed, exchanging words about the weather and the scenery. Up until Tom gave his communicator a look and scowled. 

"We're going to have to head back soon. Want to have a small break at least before being shipped back out," Tom explained with a disappointed tone. 

Teresh's mind wandered a bit, before responding, "Do you think we could make some smores?"

Tom paused, confused for a moment. Then a small smile curled his lips, responding, "Sure thing. I'll grab some stuff from the gas station and we'll cook em on the stove."

With that, the two of them packed up their things and got back in Tom's truck. Though the seatbelt was a bit high on Teresh's chest, Tom ensured that it wasn't uncomfortable for him. Then pressing the ignition button and feeling the engine roar to life. He peeled away from their secluded site, soon finding themselves back on the road. An endless stream of trees passing by them as they coasted through the woods. Tom turned the radio on low, hearing the strum of guitar and a deep rambling voice. He let out a sigh, the only thing that hadn't changed in the last few centuries was country music. 

Glancing over, he gave Teresh's head a quick tousle. Saying, "Did you call me farja back there? Doesn't that mean-"

"I'm sorry!" Teresh covered his face, sounding embarrassed. His head feathers turning shades of yellow and red. "I didn't mean to, it just came out!"

"Hey, hey! It's alright," Tom responded, keeping his voice gentle. "There's nothing wrong with it, it happens to everyone. At some point in everyone's life they've called their teacher 'mom,' sometimes it just happens."

"Ugh," Teresh groaned, "You're never going to let me live this down, are you?"

Tom chuckled, "Don't worry, this stays between us."

That seemed to calm him down. His briefly bright colored feathers fading back to their usual green. 

Though that didn't stop Tom from smiling and adding on: "You can call me dad if you want. You're like a son to me Teresh. Next thing you know I'll be signing you up for baseball and asking about school-"   

"Alright! Alright! I get it!" Teresh squawked. 

Both of them getting into a chuckling fit as Tom's truck faded into the distance. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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