A Fishing Trip

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At an unknown time in the future...

"Alright, we're set! Go ahead and grab your rod and bring it over here," Tom called out loudly. 

It was a brisk, cool day in the Ozarks. Early in the morning, the smell of fresh dew and maple in the air. They'd gotten up early in the morning and Tom had driven them out here to a nice secluded spot along Current River. Packing nothing but the essentials. Tackle box, extra coat, a blanket, ponchos for rain, and small bag lunches that Tom put together himself. He thought that it'd be an important life experience for Teresh. That, and he'd always wished that he had a father that would've taken him fishing. 

"Got it!" A voice called back. 

Tom watched as Teresh popped out from around his truck holding a fishing rod. The only clothing he wore was a pair of large boots that Tom let him borrow. Tom had set up a small spot near the bank, with two small chairs in case it was slow. Teresh walked up to him with his rod in hand and looked out at the beautiful scenery around them. He was accustomed to fishing, though never like this before. With their wings, kooli preferred different forms of spear fishing as they could put themselves above the water. His planet didn't possess the massive oceans that earth did, so it wasn't necessary for them to have to plan for great depths. Then, even with all that, they could also rely on their talons and striking the water at high speeds. Though a more primitive form of fishing, it was highly effective. This introduction into human style of fishing was both exciting him and making him a tad anxious. He just hoped that he wouldn't accidentally break any of Tom's equipment.  

"Alright, first thing is our bait," Tom began, placing a small white cup on the tackle box. "Just grab a bit of hot dog and put it on your hook."

"I thought humans usually used worms for bait?" Teresh asked, doing as instructed. 

It was actually easier than he thought. His talons were able to maneuver the bait and hook the meat into place. They seemed to be coated in some kind of strong scented liquid, smelling heavily of iron and another pungent odor.  

"You wouldn't be wrong, but I prefer these. Have a bit of a special recipe for these. Fish go crazy for em," Tom replied, doing the same with his own. 

The man stepped forward into the water. Wading up till the water was a bit below his shins. He was dressed in a thick jacket and coat, pants to match, with a fisher hat atop his head. Spinning the reel a bit, he watched Teresh follow suit. 

"So what you want to do is 10," Tom explained, moving the rod back, "to 2," moving the rod forward and to the right.

"10... to 2..." Teresh echoed, moving his rod in a similar motion. 

"Don't worry if it doesn't go where you want it, it takes some practice. Just try to get a feel for it. Remember, 10 to 2, and then release," Tom continued. They repeated the motion several times. Teresh looked more confident as time went on, and Tom thought they'd be able to try casting. 

"10, to 2, and release!" Tom exclaimed, watching his line fly out to the middle of the river. 

"Wow! That was great!" Teresh said excitedly. Pumped up by the display. 

Tom kept a watchful eye on the kooli as he continued practicing the motions. Up until he watched him rear back...

"Go!" Teresh yelled, sending his flying. 

They both watched as it soared over, landing a small distance away from Tom's. Not a perfect cast by any means, but for a first timer it was pretty good. 

Tom pumped his fist and yelled out, "There you go! You're a natural! Up top!"

He held up a hand, receiving a small hop and high five from Teresh. The water splashed his pants a bit, but he didn't mind at all. Teresh looked positively elated. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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