Chapter 1. A chance to prove myself.

Start from the beginning

Y/n: It's not perfect yet... I'm only seven and I'm not a genius which means there are others who surpassed this level of power long ago.

Y/n put his palm to the sky.

Y/n: I want power.. I never want to be useless like that ever.. Again..

He then passed out.


Y/n: Ughh.. What happened?

Zenon: Little brother.

Y/n: Zenon..

Zenon: It's a miracle you are still alive you might not remember but you got caught up in an explosion. Some maniacs used an artifact on our private property.

Y/n: They didn't use an artifact.

Zenon: Then how do you explain that massive explosion?

Y/n: They used magic and it wasn't some maniac it was me. I was practising.

Zenon: Stop joking around Mother and Father are very worried for you.

Y/n: What about Nee-san is she worried?

Zenon: She left for the capital remember?

Y/n: Damn! ^ I was expecting to cry into her arms and say "Ohh those bandits were so scary!" while she hugs me and nestles me in her chest!^

Zenon: Don't worry you can come and visit her anytime. I mainly work in the capital.

Y/n: Are they short-staffed or something? You're very weak for your age.

Zenon: Hey you may be gifted with the sword but I am still your bigger brother.

Y/n: Power is everything in this world. If you are not strong, nobody will respect you. Hurry up and get stronger nii san otherwise, I'll catch up and show you up in front of everyone. Who knows maybe one day I'll steal your betrothed.

Zenon: Tch. Do you realise who you are speaking to? Need I remind you what happens if you get difficult?

Zenon had a look of pure rage on his face and went to punch Y/n but he caught his hand.

Y/n: There's my Nii san, still hiding that sick personality? You don't have to act with me I can see right through you. Ever since you showed me who you really are.

Zenon: RGHH! LET GO!

Y/n held on for a little longer.

Zenon: ARGH!

Y/n let go.

Y/n: I'll never respect scum like you. Especially after what you did to me and Nee-san. One day you will answer for your crimes.

Zenon: I'll never let scum like you be stronger than me. You'll always be weaker than me.

Y/n: Huh? Are you high on magic crystals or something? When you were my age, you couldn't even perform magic. I'm destined to surpass you.

Zenon: You'll regret this one day, I'll do anything to get power and I'll show you your place. You will grovel before me once again just like you did before.

Y/n grinned madly.

Y/n: I look forward to that day.^If it ever comes.^

Zenon: Tch, Mother, and Father wanted to talk to you. I'm leaving.

Zenon left Y/n's quarters.

Y/n: *Sigh* What a hassle he is. In terms of magic capacity, I'm already far above him, but when it comes to handling the sword he beats me fair and square. The only thing I have is a large magic supply. It's not like I can control it any better than he can actually he beats me in that regard too. The only way I'd win is by blowing myself up like I did with the bandits.

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