Coffee and Rings-10

Start from the beginning

"Hello, Kim."

She jumped, looking startled. When she saw that it was just me, she smiled, going back to what she was doing before. Since, my orange juice was inside the fridge, I walked over until I was directly behind her. Looking over her shoulder, I spotted the bottle near the ketchup.

I stood there for a few seconds, waiting for Kim to move so that I could grab it. When she didn't look like she was going to find whatever she was searching for anytime soon and seemed unaware that I was waiting quite impatiently, I casually bent over her to reach for my juice, mindful of the fact that almost all of my body parts were pressed against her back.

Her movements stilled as my right arm hovered over hers. Instead of taking the bottle of juice and hightailing it out of the door, I stupidly stayed like that with our bodies close and my head near the crook of her neck. Almost by instinct, I buried my head in the gap between her neck and shoulder.

I knew I had to move. This wasn't right, but I couldn't see Kim protesting either. My lips brushed over the soft skin on her collar bone, so light that I wondered if it really happend or if I had imagined it. By the way Kim shivered slightly, I assumed it did happen.

My hands, defying the orders of my brain, crept up her slim frame, stopping at her hips and gripping tightly. I ground my teeth together. What the heck was I doing?

The way my traitorous body responded was different, though. My lips, not in my control, trailed along her throat and her jaw. My eyes were closed the whole time, my breathing turning harsher as every minute passed by. Heat spread through my whole body, taking control of my actions.

Soon, I wasn't even thinking, letting my hands and lips do all the work. I was expecting Kim to turn around, slap me and then kick me in the place where it hurt the most, but, she just stood there, her hands over mine and head tilted back, giving me more access to her slender neck.

I nipped and pulled at the skin, barely aware of the fact that it was going to leave a mark. My thoughts were drifting apart, everything just a jumbled mess except the beautiful girl in my arms. Something stirred deep within me. The familiar feeling tugged at me.

Like my brain didn't find a better time, small puffs of grey appeared  at the corner of my closed eyes, blurring and a vision coming forth....

"Whoa... man, I sure as hell wasn't expecting this," Ash's voice sounded, breaking my memory before it even appeared. I quickly moved away from Kim, my hands springing back to my sides like they were on fire. Kim jumped lightly, blinking her eys like coming out of a trance. Her blue eyes were hazy and her cheeks were flushed. I smiled to myself. Something akin to satisfaction and happiness ran through my nerves.

An awkward silence came on to us as we stood there like a bunch of idiots.

"I will just get going," Kim muttered, moving past me and sprinting out, her face and neck red.

Ash looked t me with a smirk on his face,"Smooth, man. Real smooth. Scoring a girl while staying at her place? Wow. How long had this been going on?" I didn't know if I wanted to kill him or thank him, so I decided to let this go. 

I scratched my head, "Just this once."

"I must say, I didn't even think you of all people would do this," he shook his head, a sly smile on his face, making a 'tsk tsk' sound.

Might as well walk the Hall of Shame now. "Look here, Ash. This was the first time it happend. I-I don't even know what came over me, alright? I just-" I stopped, running a hand down my face. Why did I even do that?

"Max." Ash's voice was soft and when I looked up at him, he had an intent look on his face. His eyes had a look to it. I couldn't decipher what it exactly was, but it looked like he was hiding something. Surprisingly, unlike his usual cunning smile, his expression was somber. "We are here so that you can gain your memory. Not to develop feelings. We are 'Protectors' man. Feelings and us? We don't mix. We do not get attached with anyone. Feelings bring us down, and with us, we drag down the people we love. We are better off without love, or any other feelings for that matter. Feelings are for normal people. As much as we would love to pretend that we are normal, normalcy cannot be faked, it comes from within, Max. Sometimes, being normal really is  a gift. I just wish I realized it when I was normal." He looked down for a moment, frowning down hard at the floor. All the while I gaped at him, my mouth hanging open. 

He gulped, a slash of hurt passing by in his black eyes. And at that minute, he had never looked so vulnerable. So dejected and so... lost. My eyes snapped to his hand when I sensed movement there.

His hands were trembling lightly. He balled them up in a fist, and stayed still for a moment. I looked at his face with concern. He smiled sadly.

"You never know how good things are until they start to fall apart, Max. And when it does? It hurts. So, it is better if you don't feel anything at all. Be careful. You usually don't know what you are getting yourself into until you too deep in it to get up," he warned and continued, "Other than that, good luck, man."

Did he just give me a serious speech? I think it will be a good time for the hell to freeze over.

"You know what? Just follow my rule," his eyes twinkled, his trademark smirk on his face, "Ham, bam. Thankyou, mam."

I shook my head. And he was back, people.

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