2 Months and 1 Week

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Yesterday, you gave me your first smile. I want to remember that smile for eternity. It is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. You are delightful June-Bug. 

Only two months old (9 weeks to be exact, for some reason, us new parents like to be really precise with our babies ages!) and I'd like to think we are over the colic stage. It was terrible and really hard going on both of us. It was so distressing seeing you in pain. It's one of the reasons I haven't been able to write as much as I planned. But it's going to be OK. I'm determined to tell you my story, our story, before my time is up.

We are still having sleepless nights. That's to be expected. You're still really new. Adjusting to this big, scary world. Your hair didn't disappear. The fuzz has just been getting thicker and darker, like your Dad. Your eyes are dark blue and michevious. Like your Dad. Your smile yesterday showed the hint of one dimple in your right cheek. Just like your Dad. How I wish he could see you Juniper. I'd give anything for him to be here. But like I said before. It's my fault he's not. I made sure he didn't stay in our lives. I'm sorry baby girl. It's the worst thing I've ever done.

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