The Victoria Punk

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Little disclaimer, (Y/N) always has her hood up


POV: The kid Pirates

Back in the tavern

All the Kid Pirates were finishing dealing with the no good fool of pirates who don't believe in the legendary treasure: The One Piece. Kid took a look around for killer to know what happen when he faced with the hooded figure that escape from him

"Hey killer, what the hell was that?! You let that person escape!"

"She wasn't even with them and plus I had no reason to attack them"

"Yeah but she was able to knock you out in ground"

"Look I'll admit, she did and forget about. Now the main focus is we now have a navigator so we can sail to the Grand Line"

"Fine. All right then man lets head back to the ship and leave after dawn!"

All the Kid Pirates went on followed their captain to the docks to get to their Victoria Punk. On their way, Killer notice something afar in the ocean. Killer looked a bit closer and see a grey seal just watching them heading towards their ship. The seal notice its presence has been spotted and left disappeared into the water. killer though it was strange because seals come in ashore in a herd but this one was alone. Killer thought that he should pay no mind to the seal and focus to getting his captain and the crew to the Grand line tomorrow.

To their unknown presence the same grey seal still kept on following them.

POV : (Y/N)

The day has almost arrived, when I followed towards their ship was insanely huge. I guess I don't have to worry about their ship they're sailing on and on how they set up their sails but I mostly worry how they gonna sail towards the Grand line. The plan is to hop behind the ship, sneak aboard without anyone spotting me, find a place so no one can easily find me and watch how thing go. If things go south, I will transform to my seal form and try to lead them out of any risk of danger to their ship. But things go north, I will take my leave and continue on my journy around the south blue, surviving....................all my own.

Dawn is almost here, meaning is time to take action. Swimming to the back of their ship was not easy to hop inside but luckily I was able manage got inside. I landed with just my cloak, inside what look likes where they keep their cannon balls and weapons. I look around the weapon storage to find any hiding spot, easiIy finally spotted some empty barrels to hide. I took off the lid to order get inside and putting back on. Now I just have to wait to get this party started.

Later Dawns upon its arrival

Everything was so quiet and peaceful sleeping inside of barrel, till I hear a small ruckus approaching coming out of the barrel. I took a peak out the barrel and see everyone getting ready to set sails to the sea and the navigator next to the 'Eustass' guy. I see them talking and I try to overhear them both on what is to their conversion.

"So in your information I can get the whole crew to the Reverse mountain in known time and on that that note, we have clear weather now as we speak"

"All right then, I trust you in your hand to keep my crew and The Victoria punk on our way to the Grand line"

"All right then, we can set sail now"

After hearing that, I had to sniffed of the air to check of the real weather; there's gonna be a storm coming. Okay then it's an official I have to get them out of there but without them noticing me.

After the kid pirates line the up the spar and set sail to the Grand line

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