From DARE .... to LOVE! (nom SlashOneShot)

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Nathan just came out as gay a month ago. At first everyone was looking at him as if he had a really bad illnes, or at least he thought they did.

All his friends have his back and  still suport him.

On the other Hand there were Tom and his friens Jay, Max and Siva. They found the idea of Nathan one from their school beeing gay really sick. Well not all of them because Tom was secretly gay he was afraid that his friens would found that out... and after he heard what they said about Nathan he had all right to be afraid about that. 

One week before the prom Siva, Jay, Max and Tom had a game and movie night at Max house because his parents were on holidays. Of cause they had a few beers and shit there. 

At around midnight had Jay the idea to play truth or dare all boys were up for that after a few beer. They played it for awhile till Jay ask: "Tom truth or dare?" after a few secounds:"dareeeeee". Jay"take Nathan out to the Prom!!!!" 

Since nathan came out Tom tought about asking him out he always had a soft spot for the lad 1 class under him. But he would never admit it not in this life not ever!

"What the fuck... why this is crazy!" Tom said and stood up and walked away a bit and turned the back to the other boys. "but I will do it.... but it's just not right!" he said with a big smile on the lips. 

The first thing Tom did on Monday when he came to school he placed a note in Nathan looker with infos where to meet after school. The whole school day the two boys never met ones even Nathan tried to meet Tom on the coridor but it never happened. Tom was really nervous and Nathan too. Max and Jay made a few silly comments abour what a cute couple they were and shit. Siva was really quiet all day about that topic. 

The day was over at 3pm and Tom was on his way to the footballfeld were he told Nathan to meet up. He had to wait only for 5 minutes or so. Nathan was really nervous he didn't know what to expect he didn't had a clue what Tom would want from him. 

After Tom asked Nathan if he wanted to come with him to the Prom Nathan was really suprised and not sure if he should say yes. But the truth is Nathan liked Tom for a long time now. Most likely he would have kissed Tom at that moment but he didn't do this. "WHAT?!?!" Nathan asked. This was all he could say with out saying how he really felt about Tom. "You heard me. Do you want to be my Prom date?" 

Nathan said yes. "Lets meet at school at like.... ermmm .... 8pm? is that okay?" Tom asked Nathan and he just nodded. 

They hadn't spoke all week at school. Nathan was to nervous and Tom too. 

Saturday was there. Nathan was really happy and at the same time nervous and unsure if he really should go or just stay at home. But his happiess won and he got ready to leave. 

2 hours later Nathan arrived at School he was a few minutes too early. He waited and waited and waited for Tom to come. He waited over an hour and still no sign of Tom. He was mad and really sad. Nathan had tears in the eyes he felt so stupid to belive that Tom could like him a young, ugly, gay boy. In that moment Max and Jay came over to him and just laughed and took pictures of him alone and crying. "Tom never planned to come" max said and gave Jay high five. 

Nathan ran and ran and ran till he was out of breath and his legs were weak. He was in a park and sank to his knees in the gras and cried till no tears were left and he hand no energy. He laid down and fall asleep. 

The next school week was there Monday he could stay at home because he was "ill" but the next day Nathan had to go to school he was forced by his mother. He was scared to see all the people and their reaction about him and what had happened on Saturday. And the LAST person he wanted to see was Tom and of couse his friends.

He arrived at school and everyone looked at him and start whispering and laughing. Nathan felt the tears come into his eyes and ran in and to the restroom. He couldn't hold the tears back. 

Nathan heard that the door had been opened. He tried to make no sound but failed. "I'm sorry" he heard the person say it was TOM.... he was right in front of the cabin were Nathan was in. Tom pushed the door open und kneed in front of Nathan and wiped some tears from Nathan cheek. Nathan looked away and tried to get away from Tom touch. "i'm really really sorry!" he said again and made Nathan look at him. "I wanted to come, I was ill" a break " Okay it was a dare between my boys and me... but I really like you. But I couldn't tell them. I saw how they reacted as you came out I was just afaid. But please belive me I wanted to come and I'm sooo soooo sooooo sorry about that all!" Tom had tears in his own eyes. 

Tom helped Nathan to his feet and wiped all tears away from Nathan cheeks and his cheeks. He took Nathans hand and walked with him out of the restroom. All people went quiet and looked at them. Nathan tried to pull his hand out of Toms but he only held firmer onto Nathans hand. Nathan hung his head low not wanted to see the faces around him, Tom on the other hand looked at every single one and said "Do you have a problem... no... okay bye!" and and pulled Nathan with him through the coridor out of the school.


Sorry this story is not good and my english is BAD!!! 

From DARE .... to LOVE! (nom SlashOneShot)Where stories live. Discover now