Chapter 2 ~ if your so famous, why? ~

Começar do início

"thank you JJ for thinking of me" Thana took his hand and shook.

"come on then if your staying with me, I'll show you where to go" Nate said and as they were leaving the office JJ shouted,

"don't you be bullying him Nate"

"what the fuck are you saying that for JJ, shiyaa' you make me out to be a right asshole" he responded.

Thana just smiled at their exchange, he could tell Nate didn't really want him to stay in his home so he would have to make sure it wouldn't be for long. When they both got outside and reached his car he unlocked the doors.

"this is your car?" Nate said surprised

"yes why? ah, because it'd old. I tend not to stay anywhere for too long so there's no point wasting money on something flashy" Thana gave the well used response.

"don't you want to be settled anywhere then?" Nate asked.

"in an ideal world yes but I go where the work is so" he answered shrugging his shoulders.

"can it carry two people?" Nate said laughing.

Thana didn't reply and when they were both in the car Nate directed him to his mobile home where he parked behind Nates car then spoke.

"you know, I can sleep in my car if it's inconvenient, it wouldn't be the first time" Thana offered.

Nate looked at Thana wondering what kind of life he had been living? He might be popular and famous but it seemed pretty obvious he didn't have a lot of money. He had been working regular gigs so what was he doing with all his earnings? the guy was proving to be an enigma.

"don't be silly, it get's a bit chilly at night, you don't want to be getting sick out here ... plus if you stretch out during the night you might kick a door off" he said laughing at his own joke.

"you sure are a funny guy, maybe you should have been a comedian" Thana said to Nate.

"ok, let's get inside" Nate said, unlocking the door and standing back for Thana to go ahead.

They got inside and Nate shut and locked the door then they both removed their shoes. Thana just had a small bag.

"is that all your stuff?" Nate asked in surprise.

"I travel light, I don't need much, just a few changes of clothes and my leotards and costumes which are in the trunk including my rigging and silks" Thana replied.

"you're not at all how I imagined" Nate said.

"why, how did you imagine I'd be?" Thana could guess.

"a rich asshole" Nate responded.

"yeah, I get that a lot, I'm happy to disappoint you" Thana said smiling.

"anyway, I wasn't joking when I said the spare room needs airing, you'll have to sleep in my room tonight, I can go on the sofa, no problem" Nate said.

"no, that's not right, I'll go on the sofa" Thana suggested.

"or we could both just take the bed" I don't mind if you don't? Nate offered.

"if you're sure?"

"I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't, ok, you go and get washed up, I got a shower earlier so I'm good. Did you eat yet? I can make some soup or something?" Nate spoke.

"that sounds great, thank you" Thana said as he went off to take a shower after Nate pointed to the door.

They both ate and Thana insisted on washing the dishes then they both went to bed. Lying side by side, Nate wondered what soap or shower gel he used, he smelled so good. Thana just thought about how tired he was and how comfortable it was to sleep in a proper bed for once.

It wasn't long before sleep caught up with him and he unconsciously turned to face Nate who was still lying on his back. When Nate felt the movement he turned to look at Thana's face and realized he was dead to the world.

Nate couldn't help but admire Thana's stunning features, he smelled so good too. Maybe this sleeping in the same bed wasn't such a good idea after all, he could feel a little movement down below. How long had it been since he'd had sex? no, he couldn't even think about that. This was his new partner, at least for the time being.

It was a surprise when Thana had said he could fly but Nate wasn't holding his breath that they could work well together. He had been put in the awkward position of giving it a try but there were no guarantees so the last thing he needed to be thinking about was complicating things even more with sex.

He didn't even know which way Thana swung then he laughed at his own pun before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep himself.


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Spinning TopsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora