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*I'm gonna use a mixture of English for this, some of it will be informal and some will be more formal*

"oh, Eliza! do I really have to go?" Mary asked her friend.

"Yes! You'll love it. They're actually very fun!"

"And if it's not fun you can bet the guys will be!" Angelica joked. Peggy gasped and covered her mouth.

"Angie! Don't be so coarse!" Mary warned. Angelica stuck her tongue out.

"Yknow what? why don't we all go downtown today? Just for something to do?" Angelica then asked. We all looked at each other and didn't see any other reason to decline.

"But guys, Daddy said not to go downtown!" Peggy whined.

"oh come on, Peg. We won't be long!" Mary Anne said, sitting beside her sister.
Peggy eventually gave in and off they were, walking downtown.

It was fairly busy downtown, people were hustling and bustling everywhere you looked. There were poor people, sick people, nearly dead people, but that's just the tip of the iceberg when you're downtown.

The Revolutionaries were also downtown, preaching about how the Revolution is coming. Mr.Burr was trying to be subtle and keep the peace in the streets but Laurens was making that hard for him.

"Could you not shout so loud, Laurens?" Burr asked, rolling his eyes.

"How else would our voices be heard?" Laurens protested. Mulligan and Lafayette were laughing behind him. 

"Time and Place, my friend. Now can we move along?" Burr requested. They all rolled their eyes simultaneously and walked further.

"Oh my god, look at who it is!" Mulligan cheered. he nudged Lafayette and they hooted very loudly at the group of girls.

"Girls, we've got protesters at our left." Mary said, making Peggy squeak with fear.

"It's alright, Peggy. If we ignore them-"

"Well hello, Miss Angelica Schuyler and company!" Laurens said, taking his time to look at Peggy. She hid behind Mary for dear life.

"Aaron Burr, the leader of this ... soiree I'm guessing?" Angelica said.

"Oh me? No, No. you know my phrase. Talk-"

"..less, Smile more!"  The boys behind him joked. Mary laughed a little before catching eyes with the tall one. He was beautiful, she couldn't lie.

"Shut up Burr you've had your fun! Now, ladies, what would I have to do to get some of that Uptown magic?" Mulligan asked.

They all cringed while the boys laughed.

"He was only joking. Hercules knows not to shoot for the Uptown girls!" The tall one said, with a surprisingly thick french accent.

"Well, he might have a chance after he becomes a soldier!" Laurens added.

"Hush, John!" Burr said, silencing all of them.

"We better go, let you boys get back to your shenanigans. Good evening." Mary suggested. She winked at the tall one, knowing she might never see him again.

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