Chapter 30

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Adrian quivered, shivering as he gasped for air. When Levi said he was going to fulfill his promise, the young raptor hadn't anticipated to be bent over nearly every available surface in the room.

Yet here he was, panting against the ceiling to floor windows as Levi pressed him against the cool glass. Toes curling as he pushed on his tip toes when the man slid inside him in one smooth thrust.

Levi chuckled breathily, fingers tangling into Adrian's and pressing them up against the cool glass. Taking full advantage of the one way windows, nuzzling against Adrian's ear.

"You're being rather stubborn today, sweetie." His mate teased, hips jerking to amplify his words. Adrian only managed a throaty groan, throwing his head back to rest against Levi's shoulder.

Feeling the man's powerful muscles dance against him as Levi continued, "Three orgasms so far yet not a single peep of mercy..." He playfully clacked his tongue and mouthed at his mark left on Adrian.

"It's almost as if you're challenging me to do my worst." Levi thrusted upwards, making Adrian choke as pleasure surged through him once more.

He had no idea where this stubborn streak was coming from but for some reason, his shift was refusing to allow Adrian to plead for mercy.

Instead, he was being tortured in the most delicious way possible.

Adrian's breath fogged up the glass in front of him as he panted harshly. Every agonizingly slow thrust from Levi sent shockwaves of pleasure through his body.

Making him arch and push back, eager for the next thrust, only to shiver and mewl when Levi suddenly sped up just to tease him with more slow thrusts.

Plus, Adrian couldn't deny that he enjoyed how Levi wasn't afraid to voice his own pleasure. Low moans and guttural growls slipped out of the man on a regular basis, enticing Adrian to push back against his mate, just to hear more of those delectable sounds.

Even with the regular breaks they were taking, Adrian could sense he was reaching his limits. Yet even with that knowledge, he was far too stubborn to surrender.

Levi realized that as well, smirking against Adrian's skin as he nipped and sucked at the mark he and Darius had made. Much to Adrian's frustration and confusion, Levi pulled out of Adrian completely before walking him back towards their bed.

Adrian fell back without a hint of protest, landing on his back with a slight huff and a growing eagerness. Levi smirked, crawling up to where Adrian was lying and devoured him in a breath taking kiss.

With a low growl, Levi pulled back, hands fanning over Adrian's body as if he couldn't resist exploring his mate's body.

"I love it when your toes curl up whenever I slide into you." Levi murmured hotly in Adrian's ear while Levi's hand easily found the young raptor's eager cock. "I love it when your legs tremble when you're overwhelmed by the pleasure, how you mewl in my ear when I hit your prostate just right. Or how you claw my back when I-"

Adrian flushed, pressing a hand over Levi's mouth as his cheeks burned oddly. The elephant wiggled his eyebrows before giving Adrian a naughty wink as he asked "What are you doing?"

The smoldering look and wicked intent in Levi's eyes made Adrian quiver. His mate crawled even closer, breath fanning over Adrian's ear as he replied.

"Doing my worst."

Adrian panted, not understanding what Levi meant until the elephant sat up. Fingers latching with Adrian's, preventing the Raptor from using his hands. The intent in his gaze was clear and the confusion instantly flooded out of Adrian's body as Levi effortlessly lifted his hips, winked at Adrian...

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