Chapter 29

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A gentle press of lips against his forehead drew Adrian from his slumber. The young raptor blinked before yawning, barely managing to raise his head to look at Darius.

The Utah raptor smiled sadly from where he sat on the bed, fingers gently brushing through Adrian's hair. It took him a moment to realize Darius was fully dressed.

Confusion and sleep addled Adrian's mind as he struggled to wake up more. Making a move to get out of the bed, only to be stopped by Darius gently setting a hand on his hair.

"I have to get back to work, there have been a few issues that need to be resolved. But I'm leaving you in very capable hands, sweetheart."

A purr slipped from Adrian, arms trembling as he reached up to give Darius a kiss, which his mate gladly accepted. Behind Adrian, Levi hummed and pulled the young raptor closer, enveloping Adrian in strong arms that fit just right.

"Don't worry boo, I got him." Levi teased half-heartedly, leaning over Adrian to accept his own kiss before giving Darius a gentle shove. "Go on. The faster you leave, the faster you can come back."

Darius sighed, giving both another languid kiss before reluctantly pushing upright. Even then, he observed the barely awake Adrian and Levi for a moment before he sighed once more and forced himself to leave.

Adrian hummed, turning in Levi's arms before burrowing his face against his mate's throat. Letting out a happy sigh after taking in a few whiffs of the man's pheromones.

A lazy glance at the alarm made Adrian groan and snuggle further against Levi, even if that was barely impossible. It was way too early to be awake, let alone to even think of getting out of bed!

Levi's chuckle was deep and heavy with sleep, causing a tingle of awareness and a delighted shiver to dart down Adrian's spine. "I agree. Way too early to even move." The elephant gave Adrian a sleepy pat on his back, as if soothing an upset child. "Just, a lil bit longer..."

There was not a hint of protest on Adrian's mind, intertwining their legs before resting his head on Levi's pec. Levi barely responded to the gesture beside a sleepy noise of approval before his breathing deepened once more.

The soft, steady breathing underneath his ear and the gentle warmth from Levi aided Adrian into falling asleep once more after nuzzling impossibly closer.

It was a few hours later that Adrian woke up as Levi moved. His mate was seated on the edge of the bed, assumably about to head to the living area to prepare some breakfast.

Adrian crawled out of his comfortable nest of blankets to plaster himself against Levi's back. Hooking his chin on the man's shoulder as he let out a sleepy hum in greeting.

"Morning darling." Levi hummed, turning his head to the side just as Adrian looked up, nuzzling their noses together for a moment.

Adrian purred sleepily, whining when Levi stood up causing the young raptor to flop onto the bed. Levi chuckled, looking over his shoulder in amusement.

"How about you get a nice, refreshing shower while I make us some breakfast?" Levi said before laughing as Adrian groaned and flopped back on the bed, not caring that his ass was out for the world to see.

Though Adrian quickly jolted when two hands slapped on his ass, making him squeak in surprise before purring when Levi's weight settled on his back.

"You are temptation incarnate darling. A shower first so you have more time to heal and I promise you, once breakfast is over and done with, I'll ravish you."

The promise made Adrian wiggle his behind, making Levi hiss before a hand sifted through Adrian's hair. The young raptor didn't protest when Levi's grip tightened, gladly accepting the hungry kiss as he was slowly devoured alive.

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