chapter five

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After dropping Ariana off at her place, I decided to go and see Drake in his place. Its been two days I last saw him and it was already late in the evening. I dialled his number and set the phone on speaker. It rang a few times but he did not answer. I tried again and got the answering machine.

I wondered what he could be doing that made him not answer his phone. Maybe he was sleeping. I got to the front of his house and parked my car.

I walked to the door and knocked, still there was no answer, maybe he wasn't home. I turned around to walk back to my car when I heard movements inside the house. I stopped and turned back to the door.

I guessed as much, he was sleeping. I wriggled the door knob and knocked again, this time he opened the door. He looked shocked to see me and I looked at him in confusion as he motioned for me to step in.

He was a little bit sweaty and out of breath. I felt something was wrong but didn't dwell on it. I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I desperately needed it after today's ordeal.

"How was your day?" He suddenly asked behind me and I turned back to smile at him in appreciation. I'm happy he cared enough to ask.

"It was tough. But guess what?" I said while bringing out a cup from the shelf.

"Hmm, what?" He said and placed his hands on my waist.

"I'm tougher." I said with a strong tone.

He hugged me from behind and I let the emotions flow all over me. I dropped the mug on the counter and turned in his arms to face him. I kissed his lips softly and shivered when his beards tickled me.

"I didn't expect you to come tonight without notifying me." He said while teasing my lips with his tongue.

"Notify you?" I asked a little bit taken aback. "Why?"

He looked deep into my eyes and kissed me slowly. My knees almost gave way.

"To know if I'm around or busy."


"Hmm." He responded while still kissing me. He kissed my neck line down my shoulder blade and I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my throat.

"But I called you baby. It kept going to the answering machine. I thought you were actually sleeping."

Before he could say anything, a screechy kind of voice answered.

"Yes. He was actually sleeping. With me."

I turned towards the sound of the voice and what I saw made me do a double take.

Vanessa, the school's slutty slut was wearing one of Drake's see through shirt I bought. And I could practically see she was wearing nothing under it.

"Cassy." I hear Drake call my name and I raised a finger to silence him. "Cassy, let me explain. Its not what you think it is." He said in a frustrated tone.

"Explain." I said simply, trying to hold back any endangering feeling. He ran a hand through his hair and sent a murderous look towards Vanessa.

I turned back to the coffee machine and poured some into the cup I had in my hand. I took a sip and placed the cup back on the counter.

"You are not saying anything." I said as calmly as I could afford. My blood was boiling with rage, my eyes were already seeing red and all I had to do was walk out of the house before I'm charged with murder.

That was what I was thinking before Vanessa spoke again.

"You can join us. You know? To make it a three some." She said while sending a flirteous wink toward Drake. "I heard its always a wonderful experience."

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