chapter two

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I picked my bag and car keys and headed down to the kitchen. My mom was preparing something for me i guess. she looks a bit better than yesterday and I'm happy she's happy. I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.

"Mom, I'm going to school already. Is there anything you'd want me to do for you before i go?" She shook her head and gave me a sad smile. I nodded and walked to the front door. She hugged me and smiled again.

"Keep your heart, be strong and don't let anything move you. I know you very well Cassy, your heart is fragile, so be strong and take on any challenge that could come your way."

I felt so touched that my mom cares about me so much. I nodded and hugged her quickly. i entered my car, waved to her and drove off. I don't know what to expect after missing school for one whole day, i sincerely hoped it doesn't affect my grades.

I parked my car in an available spot in the parking lot, grabbed my bag and stepped out. I locked the car and joined the troop of students walking into the school

"Cassy pooh!" I turned around and saw my best friend running towards me. She got to me a little breathless and somehow sweaty. I often wonder why she runs around in the hallways when she could just wait for me in class or at the parking lot.

"Ariana! Stop calling me that, its irritating" I growled quietly.

"What? Cassy pooh?" Oh really, it irritates you? Sorry Cassy pooh. I'm really sorry, okay?"

I resisted the urge to stomp my feet because of how much irritated i was getting, rather i just left her standing there and started walking to the class. I know that annoys her beyond recognition. I heard her shriek and i smiled inwardly, payback time biatch.

I entered the class and sat down in one of the chairs in front of the class, i preferred sitting where i could hear the lecturers well and clear. Ariana sat down beside me, it was clear she was mad. I really loved when she was sober, it means i could have some moments of peace. Don't get me wrong, I love her like she was my other half, she's the only one i could count on in times of trouble and pestilence.

I remember how she was there with me when my dad left us alone, she just was a perfect backbone. Never once did she leave me to my own for more than thirty minutes. During that time, i had shut everyone out, stopped talking to people, hated guys and love and vowed within myself not to allow anyone treat me like my mom was treated.

My vow was broken when i met Drake at a music fiesta organized by my university. He was a perfect gentleman, apologizing immediately he after he bumped into me. Some guys wouldn't have cared a bit even if he made the person fall, or spilled something over them.

I looked over at Ariana and noticed she was still sulking because I left her in the hallway. I just wanted to make fun of her today, if she hadn't called me Cassy pooh, I wouldn't have walked away from her.

"Ari" I said hoping she'll get angry more. For some odd reason I loved calling her that, but she hated it. I entered the class i had this morning and sat at the first chair in the first roll. I liked sitting in the front where i would be able to hear and see the lecturers very well.

The lecturer Mr Anderson came in shortly afterwards. He dropped his tab on my desk and turned to the board and scribbled 'pronunciation' on it. He turned back to the class, looked at me and winked. I lowered my head and pretended to be busy with my bag.

He used to be my crush, but I believe I got over it, even though every time he looks at in my direction i always blush. He started the lecture promptly.

Forty five minutes later, he ended the class, packed his books and left. I packed my books, and waited for Ariana to do the same. We left the class and headed to the entrance of the school.

ABOVE ALLTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang