Chapter 17- the fight

Start from the beginning

And of course I couldn't leave it alone.

What on earth was I thinking about asking him that question?!

That he would open up and so would you and you would both live happily ever after. My conscious answers back.

I just can't believe Dylan would say something like that to me.

I guess I didn't know him as well as I thought I did.

••Dylan POV••
I shouldn't have yelled at her.

I know better than that but I just didn't want to tell her about my dream. It's to painful to talk about.

I feel like shit since I talked to her like that.

I accused her of things that I don't know anything about.

I told her she was perfect and not everyone has a perfect little life like she does. And it's true. I mean she has all her life organized. She knows where she wants to go to collage. She knows what she wants to do with her life. She even has the perfect friends!

I know I have my friends but they are far from perfect.

All they do is fight with each other. But we are also close. We get into a shit ton of trouble and I know Emma's friends don't. I just don't see why Emma never has anything wrong in her life.

I just don't know if I trust her enough to tell her about my awful dreams.

I'm terrified that she will leave me.

But I probably just pushed her away by yelling at her like that.

I really hope that she will forgive me.

Because for some reason I feel so sad now that I know we're not on good terms.

And when she told me about what happened the night before. About the football player I was so pissed. I thought I was going to rip off his head. I know who she was talking about.

As soon as I go to school and I see him he is going to get the beating of his life.

And I was so happy to be there for her when she needed me but I ruined it all by opening my god damn mouth.

I'm so mad at myself! How could I do that to her?!

When I looked at her I saw a tear go down her cheek and I just felt like punching myself in face for doing that to her.

What on earth have I done?

I need to apologize to her.

But how?

I know she is going to be ignoring me at school and I know it won't be easy to get her alone.

Maybe I should just wait for a few days and hope she will talk to me.

That's probably what I will do. I'll give her some space for her to cool off.

And hopefully she will forgive me.

Finally I made it home.

I go up to my room and I plug my phone in and as I wait for it to turn on I lay on my bed and think more about what Dylan said.

Every time I think about it I just get even more angrier.

Who the hell does he think he is!? Saying that stuff to me!

He doesn't know anything about me!

That dick!

I sigh and then my phone turns on.

I call my mom.

"Emma?" My mom says with worry written all over it.

"Hey mom I need you to pick me up at the house" I say back.

"Alright I'm on my way, and pack some clothes for tomorrow for school. Oh and lily will be coming out of the hospital by Friday okay?" My mom sounds so happy about lily coming out of the hospital.

"That's great!" And I am happy too. "Albright see you later" I say.

"Yep bye" and she hangs up the phone.

I get up and take a five minute shower then I pack up the rest of the weeks clothes.

I would have went to school today but I just couldn't. I'll just get makeup work tomorrow.

After a few minutes my mom is in my driveway honking her horn for me to come outside.

I go outside and get in the car.

"Hey honey" my mom says.

"Hi" I say quietly.

And the rest of the car ride is completely silent.

Which my thoughts take advantage of the quietness.

I wonder if me and Dylan will ever be friends again?

I hope not because he was being unreasonable. So tomorrow at school I'm going to ignore him. And every other day of the week.

~~~~author note~~~~
Hey people. This is not my greatest work so sorry. I hope you liked it more than I did. So anyways VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!! Sorry for any mistakes!

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