"I had my fingers crossed. No, but seriously Ben I'm proud of you. Good luck." I told him smiling at him.

"Thanks, sis." He said smiling back. We then all went into the Cathedral and stood in our places as we waited for the ceremony to start.

"Aunt Jasmine, Uncle Aladdin, hi." I greeted them giving them both hugs before going to Scott and doing our handshake." Hey Scotty boy."

"Guys, this is Jay, my boyfriend

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"Guys, this is Jay, my boyfriend." I introduced him to Aunt J and Uncle A.

"Hi, I just want to apologise for what my father did to..." Jay began before being interrupted by Aunt Jasmine.

"Hey, that wasn't your fault no need to apologise." She told him bringing him in for a hug shocking him, me and Scott.

"Hey, Mom I think he needs to breath." Scott told her and she let go of Jay. 

Just as I was about to say something the bells rang meaning that Ben was about to walk. He walked down the aisle slowly and as he walked past everyone bowed or curtseyed to him.

When he got to the front he kneeled down on the steps in front of the altar. Fairy Godmother went and got Dad's crown and placed it on Ben's head before getting her wand from under Dad's spell jar and walking back to Ben.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" She asked Ben with the wand in her hand.

"I do solemnly swear." he replied making her tap each of his shoulders with the wand.

"Then it is my honour and my joy to bless our new King." She said holding up the wand with a smile only for it to be stolen by Jane who blasted a hole in the ceiling of the Cathedral.

"Child, what are you doing?!" FG shouted in shock and worry as Jane didn't have control over the wand.

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" Jane said turning in circles which made both me and Mal run up and grab onto the wand to try get it off of her.

"Take cover!" I heard Dad shout to everyone.

"Careful, girls!" I heard Mom also shout to us. Mal then managed to get a hold of the wand, but she just held it up towards me.

"Stand back." She told me as I went to take a step forward.

"It's okay." Ben told her coming up beside me.

"Ben, I said stand back!" Mal said again this time to Ben as Jay went up to Mal and Evie and Carlos ran through the doors and up behind them.

"I told you so!" Audrey said causing Mal to turn the wand on her making her jump back with the crowd.

"Let's go!" Carlos said tugging on Mal's arm.

"Revenge time." Jay said avoiding eye contact with me.

"You really want to do this?" I asked as I looked at Jay with a hurt expression on my face.

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