deadly dreams...

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Sorry it has taken so long for me to make the next part I have had no motivation but I'm going to try and make a few chapters today :)

Scene 3- deadly dreams...

You have been dreaming about that night with Draco for the last few nights you haven't told anyone yet not even your best friend Ginny, you think that is just a phase and your only thinking about him because of your breakup trying to re focus your mind on another boy...

G:"hey y/n you feeling better?"


G:"how about your head still hurting from your fall?"

Y/n:"I get headaches sometimes but it's better now"

G:"I still don't know how you got back here I went to come get you but you weren't there"

Y/n:"oh I walked"

G:"alone? That that time of night?"

Y/n:"well I wasn't going to stay there all night! Those beds are so uncomfortable, I wouldn't of had a minute of sleep!"

G:"why didn't you call for me or send an owl?"

Y/n:"sometimes you have to do things on your own Ginny, I don't need someone to walk me around all the time.."

G:"I'm sorry your right"

Y/n:"sorry isn't part of our dictionary Ginny come on you don't need to apologize"

G:"it's just your my bestfriend and I couldn't imagine anything happening to you!"

08:45 am

The bell rings for first period you look at Ginny in a sympathetic way and say..

Y/n:"love you too Ginny and I'll be fine"

You see Cho and wave goodbye to Ginny, you and Cho start heading to potions class you see Hermione on the way and she starts walking with you.

He:"do you know what lesson Ginny has?"

Y/n:"I think shes learning how to fly upside down today"

He:"oh I remember doing that last year.. Ron fell off multiple times and you should see the bruises he has they still there"

C:"I remember that, but he's getting much better"

He:"yes I suppose he is"

Y/n:"well this is my class, you got potions Hermione?"

He:"no I have a free period so I was planning on spending it in the...."

Y/n:"let me guess the library"

He:"yes the library"

C:"well we better head in now professor Snape will be mad if where late, have fun in the library Hermione!"

He:"thanks have fun in potions"

Hermione walks down the hall heading to the Library as you and Cho head into your potions class

After your potions class you head to lunch and meet up with Ginny outside the great hall..

G:"hey y/n"

Y/n:"hey Ginny"

G:"you gonna come in and eat lunch today? You haven't been eating since the breakup"

Y/n:"I can't starve forever and I'm going to have to get over harry, let's go eat!"

G:"let's go"

You and Ginny head into the great hall for lunch you take a quick glance but it looks like Harry's not there at the moment you walk over to your normal seat and start eating..
Suddenly Harry, Ron and Cedric all walk in with Hermione and Cho you try to focus your eyes on something else but you can't Ginny directs you to move and sit next to her and you do.. harry sits on the far end of the table next to Hermione and Ron Cho and Cedric on the other side...

R:"soo.. y/n how have you been? We haven't seen you in a while"

Y/n:"great ron, iv been great"

R:"that's good" he mumbles clearly scared I'm going to start another outburst

Y/n:"oh come on Ron don't act all scared you know me for what? 6 years you know me well enough now to know I'm not going to hurt or blame you"

R:"alright y/n I genuinely just want to know if you are ok?"

Y/n:"I'm fine"

C:"are you still going to the ball y/n?"

Y/n:"I'm planning on it I was wondering if me and Ginny both don't get dates if we could go together?"

G:"oh yeah... Sure... If we don't get dates" she  mumbles.

He:"see we can all go and be happy!"

Y/n:"maybe not happy but try and at least enjoy the night!"



Harry stayed silent the whole of lunch not a word from his mouth same with Cedric, they just kept giving eachother different glances during conversation, harry left with Cedric and Cho to go to there next lesson and soon after followed by Hermione and Ron eventually it was just you and Ginny you both had a free study period so you headed over to the library.

Sorry I know I said I would post more but chapters but I am so busy with school next chapter will be 100% finished by Friday 09:00

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