The five stages of grief except only stage 1

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Scene 2- The five star of grief except only stage 1 (denial)

He:"hey y/n how are you feeling?"

Y/n:"i'm ok.."

G:"that's good!"

C:"want a chocolate frog?"

Y/n:"no thanks it will probably run away before I even get to eat it"


He:"how about we play a game"

Y/n:"ok what game?"

G:"truth or dare?"


G:"ok Hermione, truth or dare?"


G:"I dare you to tell us what you where dreaming about last night"

He:"why do you want to know that?"

G:"I saw the way you where sleeping, that must of been a good dream"

He:"ok.. maybe it was about Ron"

G:"ok.. ew gross,what was he doing in your dream?"

He:"one question only!" She sighed and said
He:"y/n truth or dare?"


He:"I dare you to..kiss someone in this room!"


You Stand up and walk across the room to Ginny, She stands up and your lips lock for a good 30 seconds no tongue just lips, but it was nice to feel that sweet warm sensation once more, then it hits you tears came shredding down your cheeks once more you can't kiss harry anymore! No more bed time kisses no more kisses in the morning you feel faint and collapse. DARKNESS!

You wake up at the school nurses, you cheak the time on the clock next to you 02:23 am it's 2 I'm the morning you can hear a suttle groan on the bed next to you and look up to see Draco malfoy struggling bandaging up his arm there's some dry blood but fresh red droplet's keep fighting there way through.

Y/n:"need a little help there malfoy?"

D:"great it's you.."

Y/n:"look I'm just trying to be nice!"

D:"nice? How can anyone dating potter be nice?"

It hits you once more you and Harry aren't together anymore not many people know about it but malfoy will find out either way might as well tell him now.

Y/n:"well I'm not dating Harry anymore so I guess I'm nice now! How about you malfoy, You still single? I heard it's been hard for you to find a girl who likes you back! Poor you.. boo hoo"

D:"way to rub it in y/n"

Y/n:"do you need help with that cast or what?"

D:"ugh, fine but be fast I don't want any of your diseases!"

You carefully rap the cast around Draco's arm and at the end make sure to rap it extra tight just to make him mad.

D:"ow, could you rap it any tighter!?"

Y/n:" your welcome malfoy!"

D:"are you not going to say sorry for wrapping it too tight?"

Y/n:"sorry"isn't part of my dictionary anymore malfoy"


Y/n:"whatever you say malfoy.."

D:"well let me at least walk you to your dorm"

Y/n:"fine but you can't stick around long none of my friends like you and they'd kill me if they saw me with you malfoy"

D:"alright well let's go then before they come looking for you"

You and draco walk out of the nurses office back to your dorm chat for a bit then you go straight to bed. You can't even comprehend why you walked back with Draco you don't even like him.. do you? you keep saying you will get over it but will you?

that night all you could dream about was malfoy, you couldn't get him off your mind. It was weird you would of thought that you would be thinking about Harry and missing him but no your thinking about his worst enemy and you kind of like it 😏.

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