Part 1 of 1

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I ate soo much. This was my first real belly ache. I can hardly breathe. My tummy hurts so much its so hard to move. I wish someone could help. I've never pushed myself to eat so much. Well, mostly drink, I should say.. I had 5  breakfast shakes about 300 calories per shake. They came in a little case, and I tried one this morning, and it was soo yummy. or dinner I was eating a plate of sushi about 12 pieces but I was craving chicken as well so i had 2 chicken breasts and a leg which is really where I should've stopped but I really wanted dessert so I ate two mini cake pastry things a red velvet one with extra butter cream and a lemon one. The lemon cake was sweet enough and didn't need cream, but I put a bunch on there anyway. It was so good.. this is where I really started to pig out. Oh my tummy hurts just thinking about how many times I should've stopped eating. But I needed some milk to help with my cakes. I think all together I probably drank about 3 glasses. All I know is it was a little more than half the gallon. I was stuffed like a bowling ball, but something about this feeling made me want to keep going. I remembered about that shake this morning, and I had to have one. It wasn't quite like chocolate milk, but I'd describe it as something similar, and it was so smooth and creamy. I was only gonna have one, but one turned into 5, and by that fith bottle, I could barely breathe! I looked down and rubbed my stomach. It was so stretched it was hurting so much I was so distracted by the yumminess of this darn shake I honestly forgot how much I had already had for dinner but it was so good and I already opened it so I just chugged it. one last one.. totally ended me I never knew the pain of a belly ache before but I just laid back it was so hot the way my big belly just sat in my lap no matter how much I leaned back trying to catch a breath. The way my boobs swelled up almost as much as my belly, but you could still see my little rolls poking out from under them. Oh, it hurt so bad, but I was so wet from this. I had to reach around my belly to play with myself. I played, and my stuffed belly was just so round and hard it made me finish so quickly. But I feel like such a fat pig doing this alone.. I wish someone would just rub and kiss my tummy and just praise me for my new look. Make make me feel better and give me belly rubs. Maybe after the food goes down, I'll have the last shake from the pack.. My mouth waters for it but I know I just can't handle having another one right now I don't even know how I can still think about food the way I'm feeling. I really am just a big girl now. Wow I need to stop eating this way before my boyfriend comes out to see me again. He always says he will love me big or small, but he doesn't know I've gone from a 31 pant size to a 36 in just two months..

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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