Our Little Ghost Light

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 Walking through the village I couldn't help but sigh. People walked past me and looked at me like I was scum under their feet. Why are humans so rude? They know I'm not human, they just don't know what I am. They think I may be a baby fae. I'm not a fae. I know what I am. If they knew, they would have tried to kick me out long ago.

They don't want creatures like me inside the tall safe wall of the village. Humans always assume the worst of each other.

Frowning a bit I ran past people and to the orphanage I live in. People moved out of my way. They hate me because of how I was born. I look human, I act human. Just because they found me as a baby crying cradled in the roots of a tree in the village square doesn't mean I'm not human... I'm not human, but they shouldn't have assumed.

Now I'm not allowed out of the village. Other people can leave as long as they dont go into the woods. But I can't even leave the confines of the tall stone walls.

Once I reached the doorstep of the orphanage I slowed to a walk. Entering the building I looked around. Most kids were out playing in the courtyard or wandering around the village. The caretakers were walking around and cleaning things. Helping with the preparations for dinner.

"Tomas! You're filthy! Why did you come here all dirty? What does a wicked child like you do to get this dirty." The head caretaker walked over to me, brushing off my clothes.

"I'm not dirty." Frowning, I looked at her.

"Your fifteen Tomas. You should know better than this. In three years you won't live here anymore. You should learn to take responsibility for your actions. Now go outside and clean up." They then walked away. Scoffing, I trudged out of the throng door. The other caretakers didn't bat an eye as I was scolded, it being a normal occurrence around here.

"They don't let me do shit around here. Don't play in the dirt. Don't be so loud. Be respectful. Don't leave the village. It's all bullshit." Scowling I walked towards the wall, walking next to it, letting my hand run along its side as I walked.

As I walked the sound of the birds chirping in the forest on the other side seemed to be calling me. Of course the forest would be calling me. They wasn't me to finally come home. I abruptly stopped as I found an opening in the wall covered by ivy. The Ivy hung perfectly to obscure the opening and make it easy to go through.

Looking around I took a deep breath and let the warm feeling in my chest consume me. The next moment when I opened my eyes, everything looked different. My senses were better. Laughing I felt my razor sharp teeth in my mouth. My hands were now clawed and my pointed ears twitched. A long tail curled around me, The end of it was a tuft of fur.

Smiling, I ran through the opening. As soon as I was out of the confines of the wall the sounds of the forest bombarded my senses. Giggling to myself I ran into the trees.

Once I was hidden by the darkness of the trees, the cold night, hiding me more. The fae don't snake me and I'll be the downfall of wandering humans. It's been so long since I've had a proper meal.

Giggling, I crept around the tree towards the main gate of the village. There were lights hanging from the wall and guards standing by the entrance.

"Why don't you come into the forest. It's nice and fun here!" I crooned to the guards. Both of them immediately fell under my spell. The enchantment made them walk towards me drowsily. Floating slightly off the ground I smiled at the two hypnotized humans.

"That was too easy." Laughing I reached a clawed hand towards them. Placing a hand on each of their chest I felt around for the presence of what I was looking for. Once I found what I wanted I focused on the energy and tugged my hands back, holding onto two glowing spheres.

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