Take This Gillian

Start from the beginning

Kerry-"If you want Jules and you to work, you really shouldn't keep secrets, we're gonna go back down to the pool with everyone else".

Sophie-"I'm gonna head down with ya".

Brian-"I'll be down in a few".

Once the girls leave Brian makes a phone call


Brian-"I fucked up".

Susan-"Now what?"

Brian-"Didn't tell Jules about Lily".

Susan-"You idiot, you get together with the girl of yer dreams, first you don't tell her about Molly now Lily".

Brian-"I know, I know when I go down to the pool she's not gonna talk to me".

Susan-"Well yer on your own, I'm really surprised Shane hasn't tried to kill ya".

Brian-"Oh trust me I know, it's coming I almost killed him today".

He tells Susan what happend and she just laughs

Susan-"Brian she's not a baby anymore, and plus this is her first boyfriend".

Brian-"I know, I know, well bye".


Once he hangs up the phone Brian heads down to the pool, when he gets there everyone is in the pool, he sees Jules holding Lily in her arms, he gets in then swims over to her


Jules-(kisses him) "Don't apologize I understand".

Brian-(puts head against hers) "I'm so sorry".

Lily splashes Brian then giggles

Brian-"Hey!". (takes her fromm Jules)

Kerry-"Molly daddy has sissy get him". (helps her over to Brian)

Jules grabs Molly to help her and Brian wraps his free arm around Jules while carrying Lily

Sophie-"My favorite girls". (kisses Lily and Mollys heads)

Shane-"Hand over my god daughter". (takes Lily from Brian)

Jules-"Oh my god". (laughs)

Brian-"He's so good with her, and Molly too".

Sophie watches Shane interact with both Molly and Lily, he plays with them in the pool for awhile then he comes over to Sophie with Lily

Shane-"Go to Aunt Soph". (hands Lily to Sophie)

Sophie-"Hi Lily pad". (kisses her head)

They hear a splash and look over to see Brian and Jules coming up underneath the water

Jules-"You jerk".

Brian-(laughs) "You loved it!"

They spend some more time at the pool, once they are done they head to their rooms to change, Jules helps Kerry with the girls after they change while the boys are changing

Kerry-"There we go".

Jules-"All warm".

Mark and Brian come out of the bathroom changed into nice clothes, they were all going out to dinner before they had to leave for Paris

Brian-"The others are waiting". (grabs Jules hand)

They head downstairs to meet the others then head to the cars outback so they won't get papped, once they get to their destination they head out of the cars and into the back entrance, they are taken back to a private room, they take their orders, once the food comes out they eat and talk

Kerry-"Are you guys excited for Paris?"

Kian-"Loads we haven't been there since the last tour".

Nicky-"I think on our day off we should go site seeing".

Sophie-"That would be great".

Brian-"Sorry Jules and I have plans".

Jules-"I'm just now hearing this". (laughs)

They continue to eat their dinner, once they are done they head out the back and into the cars, they stop at Kerrys, Brian and Jules go into the house to say goodbye to the girls

Molly-"Bye daddy and Jules". (hugs them)

Brian-"Bye princess we good for mummy and sissy". (kisses her head)

Jules-"We'll be back to come see you". (rubs her back)

Brian-"Come here baby". (takes Lily from Kerry)

They say their goodbyes then head back to the car, once they get in Brian looks out the window to see the girls waving, Brian wipes his eye and Jules notices and takes his hand

Jules-"You okay?"

Brian-"I hate having to leave them".

Kian-"You'll see them in no time mate trust me two more shows then maybe Kerry will let them come to Dublin". (pats his leg)

Once they get back to the hotel they come in the back, when they head up to their rooms Gillian is there

Mark-"For fucks sake".

Gillian-"Hello, oh I see yer still with her".

Shane-"Will you leave us alone, like seriously we are done Gil, I told her everything we're done".

Gillian-"Oh please yer only with her for pity".

Sophie-"Take this Gillian". (punches her)

Brian gets Sophie off of Gillian and the others run up to their rooms with them then the security takes Gillian out of the hotel, once they get up to Brian, Mark, and Jules room they calm down Sophie

Kian-"Damn Sophie who taught you how to punch?"

Sophie-"That was four years of built up anger that came out".

Shane-"Let me look at yer hand".

She lets Shane look at her hand, it's a little swollen, but doesn't look broke, Tracy comes in out of breath

Tracy-"What the hell happend?"

Mark-"Soph gave Gil a black eye I'm pretty sure of it".

Tracy-"Security just took her out, we are file a restraining order and everything if she is near you or anyone the police will be called".

Jules-"Thanks Tracy".

Once Tracy leaves the others leave to go back to their rooms while Shane and Sophie stay a bit longer with Brian, Jules, and Mark

Brian-"You okay?"

Sophie-"Nevr felt better".

Jules-"She deserved it, if she tries to press charges we will all go to the court and put in statments".

Mark-"Well there's one thing, she can throw a better punch than you Brian".

Brian-"Oh that's it". (throws Mark onto the bed".

They all laugh, after a bit Shane and Sophie go back to their room, once they get there they change and get in bed

Shane-"That was hot though".

Sophie-"Oh shut up". (kisses him)

They then go to bed, in Brian, Jules, and Marks room they are watching tv

Mark-"We should get to bed, we have a early flight tomorrow love birds".

Brian-(laughs) "Night Marky".


They then head to bed 

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