we were special back then

59 7 0

Joe leaped up using a boulder and planted one of his feet on the rocky wall, and pushed off to make the sharp turn.

Ayaka gasped, feeling slightly intimidated.

"Look at him go!"

"There's no way the noob could keep up with that!"

Joe looked behind him. Sorry, but you're gonna have to bite this one. I'm going up against Adam next.

"Well, it's clear he's going to be doing pointless moves despite my warnings." Cherry stated.

"You think so?"

As they rounded the corner, Ayaka could feel the wind rushing through his hair as Joe expertly glided ahead on his board, leaving him trailing behind.

"His angle is weak too. If he had entered at 25 degrees, he could've exited point 3 seconds faster." Cherry said, referencing to Joe.

Miya deadpanned at Cherry. "You broke it down the milliseconds?"

"Look how poor his body tilt is. I bet he's just winging..."

"Can someone press mute?" Shadow asked to no one in particular.

"How can he expect to compete against Adam, when he can't even outsmart a rookie?"


"Looks like Joe's gonna win." a guy said, looking down at his tablet with two others beside him on the edge of the race track.

"Well duh, that's not much of a fight."

"He's not much of a rival!"

The group laughed.


The 3 guys turned around from their devices toward Reki. "Why don't you quit crapping on people you don't know? The guys jumps are frickin' beautiful. They're—like..." Reki trailed off, ducking his head. "Falling snow." he said, his voice going noticeably softer. "It traps you in this trance—you don't know how to get out of."

He pulls out his own phone, pulling up the race on the screen. "I've been watching the entire time. His talent, intuition, his passion, how intensely he loves skating!"

"Hold up, you just say you're cheering on Daze boy?"

Reki lifted his head back up.

"The fact that so many amazing athletes rely on my product is a dream come true."

"We're gonna bet, you in?" one of guys ask, stepping toward Reki.

"I'm all in on Joe, obviously!" another laughed.

"That's not why I'm here." Reki protested.

"Come on dude," the last guy who stayed back complained.

"I thought he already pulled away at the corner."

The three gathered around the tablet, before Reki pushed between two of them and stared down, seeing how Ayaka was catching up with Joe.

"Look how much smaller their gap is than before!"

He's definitely faster on straightaways. Reki smiled. He's not out yet.

Joe glanced back at Ayaka. I guess I can pull a trick again. He bent over on his board again.

"Is he about to do another paddle break right now?" Shadow asked.

"Why would he do that when they're heading into a straightaway?"

Suddenly, Joe was parallel to his board and balancing on it with just his arms. Ayaka saw how he sped off, small rocks coming up from the ground.

* ˚ ✦ sidelines then skateparks (sk8 the infinity x male oc) * ˚ ✦Where stories live. Discover now