Chapter 4 (DC)

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Danny goes ghost behind a dumpster before flying through Gotham's streets. It was surprisingly quiet, considering the amount of times he got mugged. Evidently no one wanted the attention of the glowing, flying guy with a crown. Danny feels his ghost sense go off, blue ectoplasmic vapour coming from his mouth. But it was weaker than normal. Following the feeling, he goes invisible, just to be safe. Soon enough he finds a guy with a red helmet perched on top of a building opposite a warehouse. Red Hold, of Danny remembered correctly. He floats behind the crime lord. "What you looking at?" The sheer speed and ferocity with which the evidently undead batfam member drew his gun actually shocked Danny. Not even Skulker was that enthusiastic. The fact he fired three consecutive shots thankfully registered in time for Danny to become intangible and the bullets harmlessly impact the rooftop door behind him. "East buddy, easy."
Looking around frantically, the crime lord holds his gun threateningly. "Who's there? Show yourself!"
Danny just gives him a deadpan look. Guns don't really scare him. "Ok, I'm going to become visible again, but put the gun away. They're bad for your health."

Red Hood goes still for a moment, and if it weren't for the errant twitch of his trigger finger, Danny would have thought the anti-hero spontaneously died.after an uncomfortable silence, he holsters his gun. "Alright, fine. Now where are you?" His question is answered when Danny re-enters the visible spectrum in front of him, the only sign of his surprise being the sudden tenseness in his shoulders. "You should get out of here. The Bat doesn't like metas."
Danny nods. "Yeah, what's up with that? Is it a shoot first ask questions never type situation or dies he consider the metas side of the story?"
Red Hood sighs, seemingly in disappointment. "Unfortunately, the former. But don't worry. I know better." The murder goes back his perch at the edge of the building.

Danny decides to be nosy and peers over his shoulder at the warehouse. "What's up?"
Red Hood looks Danny's shut up and down, lingering on his crown before sighing. "Drug deal. Big one. Buyer, supplier and dealer in one place, plus low level gang members. Wanna help?"
Danny cracks a smile. "Is Batman racist towards metas? Absolutely."

Red Hood severely underestimated this guys abilities. He expected at least a few if his guys to get hurt, but the instant bullets started flying, he summoned a shield around him and his guys and took out everyone in the building with what looks like the abilities of half the Justice League plus a god damn scythe. Red Hood wishes he had popcorn. When all was said and done, the shield evaporates as Red Hood does a slow clap. "Colour me impressed. Not even Batman is that fast."

Danny shrugs. "It wasn't that hard."
While Red Hood appreciates the assistance, he has a few questions. "So, you new in Gotham?"
Danny nods. "Yeah."
"What's with the crown? Never seen a meta wear one before. Part of your aesthetic?"
Danny runs a finger along the rim of his crown. "Oh, I'm the king of an alternate plane of existence. Anyway, peace." He does a peace sign and disappears like the meme.
Red Hood turns on the infrared on his helmet. "That won't work twice." He sees nothing. "What the..." Danny phases through the ground with a smirk.

After landing in the sweets, Danny laughs. "I can only imagine that guys face right now." His ghost sense goes off again, slightly stronger than before. "There are a lot of not quite dead people in this city." He wanders the sewers, looking for the source when he hears a gravelly voice echo throughout.
"Solomon Grundy, born on a Mond-y."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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