Chapter 1

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Steve shut his locker, sighing. "What's with the long face?" Tommy H. Smirked, leaning against the locker beside him. "Jesus, you scared me Tom. you've gotta stop doing that." He slung his bag over his shoulder and ran a hand through his hair. "No, you've just gotta stop being such a pussy." he teased. "Nancy dumped me." Steve mumbled as they walked down the hall. "Oh shit man, I'm sorry." "don't be, she was a bitch anyway, where's Carol?" "Book club. She's mad at me." Tommy chuckled as they exited the school. "Why?" Steve asked. "Not sure. she's been really bitchy lately, probably her time of the month or something." he shrugged. "If I were you, I'd dump her." Steve said as they got into his car. "Can't man, that would mess her up." Tommy sighed. Steve started driving, drumming his hands on the steering wheel. "I'm just saying, you guys have been together for like, ever. Don't you ever wish you could look at other girls without feeling bad?" "Oh I don't feel bad looking at other girls, man. Even slept with a couple. Don't tell Carol that by the way. I just can't break her heart. That shit hurts you know." Tommy pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. "Nuh uh man, this is my dad's car." Steve snatched the smoke from Tommy, who groaned. "And don't you think I know what heartbreak feels like?" He raised an eyebrow. "Right, sorry, I forgot. You know what you need?" "what?" "You need a break. Greyson's having a party tonight, why don't you come?" "Greyson Reed? I don't want shit from that asshole." "Come on man, I don't want to go alone." Tommy pouted. "Fine! But I can't stay late, my dad'll kill me if i'm late for curfew again." Steve chuckled. "Ok, I'll pick you up at 7." Steve dropped Tommy off at home, and went home to find an outfit to wear tonight. That night, Tommy's older brother drove them to the large house, and they met Carol there. They went right to the drink table, filling their cups with punch, and watering it down with vodka.

They spent the first hour drinking and dancing and socializing, slowly getting more and more wasted. There were so many people there that it didn't take long for the trio to get separated, and Steve found himself alone in the kitchen, eating crackers and sipping from a bottle of beer. "Are you not enjoying the party?" a long-haired man in a jean jacket and ripped black jeans walked in. He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of white wine, putting it on the counter and searching for a bottle opener. "I was never a fan of big crowds. Ironic right?" Steve chuckled, nursing his bottle. "Why are you hiding?" "Same. And I need somewhere quiet to set up shop." The metal-head found the bottle-opener and opened the wine, taking a swig and wiping his mouth. "Shop for what?" Steve raised an eyebrow. "Weed and Tattoos." he put his lunch pail on the counter and opened it, pulling out a bag of rolled joints and a homemade, very unsafe looking tattoo machine and a few bottles of ink. "Munson, right?" "yup. Eddie 'the freak' Munson." "I'm-" "I know who you are, Harrington." Eddie interrupted him. "Oh, ok." Steve took a sip of his drink, putting it on the counter.

"You want a tattoo?" Eddie asked. "How much?" "First ones free." "sweet." Steve was too drunk to realize what he was doing as he offered Eddie the underside of his wrist. "A skull, thanks." Eddie obliged, getting out a baby wipe to clean his arm. "Ooh, so professional." he teased, watching Eddie prepare the needle. "I've been doing this for a while, you pick up a few things. This is gonna hurt." Steve hissed through his teeth as Eddie started to tattoo him. After the initial pain was over, it wasn't so bad, and the alcohol numbed it a lot. "Can I take a joint?" he asked, admiring the way Eddie stuck his tongue out when he was concentrating. "That's gonna cost you. Weed aint cheap." Steve pulled a twenty out of his pocket, and put it on the counter. "Lighter's in the pail." As Eddie finished up the tattoo and put a bandage over it, Steve lit his joint and put it between his lips, watching Eddie curiously as he got out a new needle and septic wipe. "Thanks Munson, see ya later?" Steve unrolled his sleeve to cover the bandage and took a puff of his joint. "See ya. If anyone wants any weed, send them my way." "You got it captain." Steve saluted him and left the kitchen, a small smile on his lips.

A few hours later, most of the kids had gone home, so the last few stragglers decided to play truth or dare. They sat in a circle in the living room, laughing and drinking and smoking, and someone said they should do seven minutes in heaven too, so they sat in a circle and a blonde haired girl spun a bottle. It landed on a guy from the football team, and they ran, giggling, to the hall closet. They played truth or dare for a while, mostly truths and a few stupid dare's, but nothing serious. Until someone dared Tommy to dump Carol, and of course, he was so drunk that he jumped at the opportunity, and told her she was a bitch and that he didn't love her anymore. She ran out of the house crying, and he ran after her, tripping over a chair and falling on his face. He broke his nose, and a guy offered to take him to the hospital. They left, And The game resumed.

Greyson smirked, sipping his drink. "Harrington, I dare you to play a game of Chicken Shit with someone of my choice." "What's Chicken Shit?" a girl asked. "It's where you have to pretend to date each other until one of you chickens out." the guy beside her explained. "Alright, who's my opponent?" Steve asked. Greyson looked around, squinting. "Munson." he finally declared. "Munson the freak?" "Yup." the jock answered, popping the P. Steve hadn't even realized Eddie was playing. He looked cover at Eddie, who shrugged. "Why not, I'm in." he took a drag from his cigarette. "First to chicken out owes the other 100 bucks." "Deal." Eddie and Steve stood, shaking hands. "Are you sure you can handle me, big boy?" Eddie winked, and Steve rolled his eyes. "We'll see." 

Have a good day :)

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