The hallways reeked of urine as piles of trash sat out side each door leaving a pungent smell in the air.

I knocked on the door and no response. I waited before I knocked again. The second time I knocked a little harder still no response. I called her phone and I could hear it going off in the house. I twisted the door knob and the door opened.

The inside of her house was in worse condition than the outside. Roman found the cleanest place on the floor and started playing with his cars. She had drugs and open condom wrappers on the dining table. I knocked on the door to the only bedroom in the apartment and there she was butt ass naked laid up with a man.

Heather, Heather I kicked the bed startling her

Heather: What damn

Zac: Is this why you can't answer your phone, I been texting you since last night.

Heather: I was busy I was going to call you back once I woke up.

Zac: Yeah okay, you need to get up and clean this place up it looks a mess

Heather: Don't you come over here judging me. Don't everyone got a lot of money like you to live in a fancy house. If you really cared you would have let us stay in the place next to you.

Zac: You can't be serious

Heather: Like I said we good you can leave now and close the door behind you

Zac: You just gone leave him in there by himself?

Heather: No, I'm about to get up can I get dressed?

My blood was boiling this shit can't be real and I have to deal with this every time I want to see my son. Hey little man daddy's gone come back and get you once I get off work.

Roman: Yay!

Heather: No you ain't he ain't going no where until you send another payment

Zac: I just sent you a payment

Heather: Okay well when you want to see him again send a payment and he's all yours.

Zac: I'm not about to go back and forth with you. I'll be back later clean this shit up.

Heather: Fuck you Zac get out

She slammed the door in my face, please believe I will be back .

I couldn't even focus at work because all I could think about what Romans living conditions. I tired to call Fatima but she wasn't answering.

Heather must have blocked me because I kept getting her voicemail. I ended up leaving work and heading back to Heathers.

The dude from earlier answered the door

Zac: Hey is Heather here?

Man: Naw she ain't here she left for work hours ago.

Zac: What about Roman

Man: His grandmother had to come get him and rush him to the hospital

Zac: Hospital for what?

Man: I don't know Bro I was out of it but I heard it was pretty bad

Zac: Do you know what hospital they went to?

Man: Umm Emory Children's hospital

Zac: Right on

What the fuck is going on

Dialing Fatima numbers

Hey Fatima when you get this message call me. I am headed to Emory Hospital something happened to Roman and Heather is not answering my phone calls.

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