Chapter 37 - The Sewers

Start from the beginning

     The captured demon, still in binds, led the group to wherever his people were. The sewers were like a maze, without him, they would've surely gotten lost.

     The place didn't really help B's claustrophobia either. The further they went it felt like the walls were growing smaller and narrower. To (Y/N), nothing much changed but she can see how unnerved her friend was becoming. To ease her nerves, she looped her arm with hers and reassured her that she was fine. B took a few deep breaths and quietly thanked her, glad that she asked her to tag along or else this would've been hell.

      Yama however wasn't as fond of the closeness. He didn't want to admit the small pinch of jealousy he was starting to feel and tried to push those feelings away as well.

      Eventually, the captured demon led them to a big rusted steel door that according to him was locked from the inside. They have to be let in.

      Jules along with three other Capturers and the demon went up to the door to make him knock for them.

       Once (O/N) saw the door, she visibly looked uncomfortable and turned around to walk back to Yama. B watched her nervous mother go and pull Yama to the side as she spoke to him. Whatever she said made him look shocked.

"What's going on..?" B whispered to herself, catching (Y/N)'s attention who followed her gaze.

      The older woman asked her friend something and waited for him to sigh and nod. Then together, they moved to the front of the group where her husband and the captured demon were.

       The demon did a specific knock on the steel door nervously due to two guns being pointed at him. They all stepped back and waited a bit until the door began to loudly creak open and all of the Capturers, including B, held their guns up.

      Once the door was open enough, the same red demon from before poked her head out and looked relieved to see the captured demon again. "Tomas, you alright?"

"They haven't killed me yet." He nervously smiled. "Can you give them the gas back so they can let me go?"

      The red demon held up a finger as she glared at the humans. "You people are lucky we aren't heartless. But how do I know you aren't either?"

"You don't trust us?" Jules questioned.

      She came out fully and leaned against the rusted door with her arms crossed and a suspicious look. "Considering we have to deal with those Elitists idiots, the demon pretenders, and of course you guys. No, I don't trust you."

"Salem..!" Tomas pleaded but she stayed firm.

      She stared into the Chief's eyes with an unwavering glare. "Give me my guy first, then we'll give you your dumb gas."

      Jules didn't agree. They could shut that huge door right afterward and they won't be able to get through. "Us first, then you."

"Jeez you're a stubborn one, aren't ya'?" She sneered.

       But suddenly the door began to open wider, forcing the red demon to stand up fully and move out of the way. The Capturers' guns rose higher at the door that creaked loudly open.

      Yama moved (O/N) behind him, not knowing how this was going to play out. He glanced back to check for his partner and felt relieved to see she was towards the back of the group still.

      Once the door was fully open, a large figure emerged that made each Capturer tense up. But especially (O/N) and Yama.

       Long white hair flowed out and fell against charcoal black skin that was older with age. Old clothes that were uncharacteristically neat for a demon covered a thin body and monster-like legs that held sharp claws. Almost similar to the long sharp black claws that adorned the demon's fingers. When they lifted their head from having to duck under the door, crystal white eyes contrasted against the dark and black horns that were sharp enough to stab an unfortunate soul.

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