30 ✗ two sides of every story

Start from the beginning

"Look, I know you love him but the only people we can trust are each other," Luca says.

"I don't even think we can trust each other," I mumble and they both stare at me.

"You don't trust us?" Sahar asks.

"I do but...I don't know."

"Are you kidding me right now?! We've known each other since we were fucking kids, do you really think we are capable of doing that shit?" Luca asks.

None of us reply.

"This is bullshit!" He groans as he storms out of the room.

"Ro...do you really not trust us?" Sahar asks.

"I DON'T KNOW WHO TO TRUST?! For all we know this Ethan guy could be Finn or what if it's Theo? What if he's a woman now? What if they had surgery to change their face? Anything is possible!" I groan.

Sahar doesn't say anything, she just slowly nods.

"Look, the last thing we need right now is to turn on each other. We already lost Zada and we don't need to lose each other either, so let's just get Luca and we'll figure everything out." Sahar says and I sigh before following her out of the room.

We make our way downstairs and towards the parking lot where Luca likes to go smoke.

God, I hate that he's smoking those fucking cancer sticks again.

"Oh shit." Sahar gasps.


"The car is gone." She says as she points at the empty parking lot.


We immediately pull out our phones and begin to call him but the call goes right to voicemail.

"Damn it! HOW ARE THEY SO FAST?" Sahar groans.

"We should go before we're next," I tell her and we both take off towards the room.

As soon as we are in the room, Sahar pulls out her laptop to try and track him.

"They turned off his tracker." She groans before throwing her laptop across the room.

"W- what if something happens to him?"

"Don't even put that out there! Luca is strong, he'll get through this." She says before frantically pacing around the room.

She storms into her room and slams the door shut.

I decide to give her some space so I grab her laptop on the floor and try to figure out another way to find him.

There was a sudden knock on the door and I gasped.

"Luca?" I mumble to myself before walking over to the door and opening it.

My eyes widen when they lock with familiar black ones.

"No no no! You need to go." I say as I try to shut the door but he easily pushes it open and walks into the room.

"You need to listen to me," Easton says but I shake my head as I practically sprint to Sahar's room.

Sahar walks out and she gasps when she sees Easton.

She grabs a nearby glass and chucks it at him and he easily dodges it.

"Look, I know neither of you trust me but you're both in danger and need to get the fuck out of here." He explains.

"This hotel is stacked with security, we're fine," I argue.

"You're fine? I just got up here wearing an all-black outfit and a mask...you're not fine." He mutters sarcastically and Sahar rolls her eyes.

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