Chapter 15 - Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"What are you gonna do?" I ask. And what does this mean for the future? And what happened to the Jedi? I know what the punishment for treason is, but I can't even imagine that. I can't imagine what such a galaxy would even be like.

"We will not betray the Republic," Anakin promises, "Our loyalties are with the Chancellor, with the Senate, and with you."

One time, that would have had more meaning to me than it does now. Now, I don't know anything anymore. There is so much corruption in the Senate, and I no longer know if I can believe in it. The war should have ended long ago, but it hasn't, and so many have died senselessly because the Senate and Chancellor are refusing to push for a diplomatic solution, hence why I asked the twins about it. Not like that went anywhere either though.

But what does this mean for everyone at the Temple? All of this is too much, too quickly, and I don't know how to deal with it.

"Please tell me this isn't another nonsensical decision the Council made?" Jaufre almost begs.

The twins glance at one another and just as quickly look away. "I do not know the details of what caused it," Anakin replies, "But it has been dealt with."

"What about Qui-Gon?" I ask, immediately thinking of the first Jedi I met. I may not know him well, or too personally, but the twins know him, and I care about him. He's not a friend, exactly, but I can never forget his kindness. "And Obi-Wan?"

Anakin turns away, pacing to the window. "I don't know," he answers, "Many have been killed today. I know Master Qui-Gon would never side with them, but he is not... preceptive of this."

"I wish I could say the same about Obi-Wan," Aniya replies almost bitterly, "And I don't want to say this, but he is more likely to remain loyal to the Jedi than the Chancellor. We can only hope he will see reason."

Just hearing the way she's talking isn't helping. She is clearly not at all alright, even if they're pretending to be, and if the Jedi committed treason, and they had to turn on them, I know why. But I don't understand it either, because how could they have done this? Why would they do this?

Anakin paces back over to me, the pacing perfectly normal when he's uncomfortable, but I'm too torn up to try calming him. The Jedi committed treason, and I can't be entirely certain that they were wrong, and I don't know what to do. I don't know what this means. How many people has Palpatine ordered killed? I know the twins will always side with him, but I don't think that's the right choice, not after the power he's been amassing. I don't want to think he's up to something sinister, but he's one of the main instigators in the war.

Jaufre sighs quietly. "What now?" he asks, "What happens now?"

"We will restore peace," Anakin promises, "Everything will soon be set right. The Chancellor gave us a very important mission. The Separatists have gathered in the Mustafar system. We're going there to end this war. Wait for us until we return. Things will be different. I promise."

I don't even know what I can say to that. I can't believe this is happening. Everything is spiraling far beyond my worst nightmares.

"Just be careful, whatever you're doing," Jaufre calls, as they head for their ship.

"Of course," Aniya assures, "We'll be back. Just wait for us."

As though there's anything else we can do, as we watch them get in the ship, flying away. Jaufre approaches, slipping an arm around me. "Something's wrong," he mutters.

I give him an incredulous look, blinking past my tears. "The Jedi committed treason, and Palpatine just ordered them all killed! Of course, something's wrong!"

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