the arrival

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We had been on the train for four days, Yorkshire to London. London. Daisy and I's dream sice we were 13. Opening our very own investigators.

We stepped off the train, onto Paddington station. 'You exited?' Alex whispered in my ear, just so that Daisy couldn't hear. She makes fun of me and Alex all the time, yet when I make fun of her and Amina I get a rather large telling off.
'mhm' I responded after about thirty seconds.
'had to think about that one didn't you'
'well- yeah'
I knew Alex wanted to go back to America, me with him of course. I felt horrible I had dragged him away from that. 'Cheer up Watson!'
'You look drained Hazel.'
'Daisy could I talk to you?'
'Oooohh private.'
'I feel horrible, I've dragged Alex from America'
'Goodness Watson do you not get it!'
'Get what?'
'Longarms came so he could be with you.'
'I- I- good point.' Alex was here so he could be with you me. He really loves me.
'Cmon Haz' This was Alex.
'Yeah, I'm so excited!'
'Watson, Longarms, hurry. We need to get to the building before 11. It will get busy at lunch'
We walked quickly, Daisy sharply turned, Amina being dragged along the path behind her. Me and Alex trying to keep up about four feet behind them. 'Are you sure your okay with this?' I asked Alex to stop him talking about Georges horrible grandparents. 'Yes, why wouldn't I be?'
'Oh, just checking.'
'Alright- Haz don't worry about me im fine!'
'I just care about you thats all,'
'love you,'
'l- love you too'

We took a very sharp turn onto one of the busiest streets in London. 'Tada!' Daisy exclaimed. A long terraced building with a low basement. It was painted a light baby blue with chips revealing the bright red of the brick underneath. It had a dark blue door with a silver knocker on the front. A sign was plastered above the doorframe, 'WELLS & WONG PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS'.
'I love it Daisy!'
'It looks great!'
'Wow Dais!'
'Thankyou, I dont care about your opinion, and thankyou love.'
We headed up the stairs as Daisy unlocked the door. We all stepped inside, the first room was a reception booth.
'Whos gonna sit there'
'We will hire someone dumbo.'
'Oh- right.'
We headed through the next door into a large room, 6 desks, a large blackboard, and a sofa underneath the window ledge. I realized all of the decor was from Fallingford. Everything down to the pen pots on each desk.
'Watson I don't want comments on the decor.' and that was that.
'Uh- When are George and Lavinia arriving?' asked Alex.
'Whenever they feel like it I suppose, hopefully in the next week if their car doesn't break down again.' replies Amina.
'Ah- alright.'

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