'I suppose some of them have yet to come.'

Tanjiro was currently trying to interact with the others, being the newbie he was, he most likely was fishing for information. I smiled before my gaze found a speck of yellow entering the meeting place. A very familiar and frightened speck of yellow might I add.

'That's Zenitsu for you.'

He was, well, shivering his timbers and looked anything but happy to be here, which was fair. Pre-developed Zenitsu was a pain in the ass to deal with, considering his clinginess and more than dramatic reactions. Still, he was sweet, if not just misunderstood, even in his own weird way. His senpai however... Yeah, a very unlikable creature this one. He was among those who passed last year without trouble.

His head snapped in my general direction, sweat rolling down his face as he stared intently at where I was.

'Damn, his hearing is no joke.' I stayed still, canceling any sound coming from me. 'Didn't think I'd use the anti-Uzui so soon. The fucker almost always catches me. Then again, they have good hearing so that's a given.'

I watched him frown, unable to further pinpoint my location before getting distracted by something. I resumed my observations.

Kanao had been among those who got here first and had that aloof air surrounding her that prevented anyone from approaching. Her aura didn't reflect any emotion besides some kind of quiescence a normal human being shouldn't be able to achieve.

'These guys really have no idea what a therapist is? This child clearly needs therapy!... Like 99% of the cast actually.' I sweat dropped.

Perhaps I should have made a conscious effort to meet them besides fooling around. I mean, stumbling across Genya and Senjuro had been a total fluke! And the circumstances of the meetings were, kinda absurd. The former nearly had his eyes gouged out by some hey Arnold lookin' ass demon while the latter almost got kidnapped.

How on earth they survived these encounters in canon is beyond me.

Speaking of Genya, the kid looked less haggard and a little more muscled than his anime counterpart, though that might be because the exam had yet to begin. Last I saw him, he was with Gyomei, punching trees like nobody's business while the giant played a flute. So I calmly dipped before they could detect my presence but still left some food 'cause I was like that.

But anyhow, it's nice to see how less aggressive he's become. With proper guidance, even the most troublesome kid can mellow, if not a little.

Inosuke...well, he was around, probably terrorizing whoever glanced his way.

I stayed hidden until everyone left for the exam before appearing in front of the twins, the only ones remaining.

"Yo !"

"Oba-san!" They both squealed, immediately recovering from the initial shock of my appearance before crashing into my awaiting arms. They had taken to calling me auntie, a prospect that, you would've guessed, melted my heart.

"Heya, punkins'!" I chuckled, hugging them before straightening up. "It's been a while, aye?"

"Hm!" Kanata smiled.

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