Chapter 12.

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So much for not changing the timeline. Remember when I mentioned wanting to experiment with my blood and all that? Well, I went ahead and did it, and what I found out was that my blood is quite peculiar.

During my journey, I came across several demons. And by "came across," I mean I actively sought out the nastiest auras in the vicinity to conduct my experiments. You know, the usual. However, what baffled me the most was that every time I encountered one of these demons, it played out exactly the same way: "strange human blah blah blah, you're weird yadda yadda yadda, DON'T MESS WITH ME!" It was like a broken record. But this led me to a conclusion.

One: my scent was still puzzling them, which was well known - by me.

And two: they don't go crazy even if I have an open wound, despite being labeled as marechi, which I could not comprehend for the love of Allah above!

Trust me, it was a bit awkward when I deliberately cut my hand off, expecting a bamboozled demon, only to have the bastard stare at me in disbelief with an underlying tone of...concern for my mental health. That motherfu-

In short, nothing hinted at the possibility of me being a marechi. I was about to let go of that issue, apologize to the demon, and continue on my merry way when a memory of what happened to that meleoron-looking dude flashed in my mind. Without a second thought, I whipped my bloody arm like a wet towel, the target being his mouth.

I can only say one thing.

Things went south real fast.

That demon immediately lunged at me with a speed that would've put the Flash to shame. His eyes were crazed with bloodlust and hunger, drool flowing from his mouth like a rabid animal. And that, ladies and gentlemen, solidified my suspicions of being a marechi. Satisfied with my theory being proven right, I punted him into oblivion and continued on my way.

Well, that was the experimental part. It was all fun and games until I crossed paths with Kokushibo. Again. Yeah, I'm sure anyone with enough brain cells had already caught up on that earlier.

This occurred approximately two months after the onsen incident...


'At this point, I'm wondering if fate isn't just messing with me or if the higher-ups had a hand in this - which I'm convinced is the case at this point, but anyway.'

Thankfully, this time I was wearing the cloak, so there was no way he could recognize me, right? Right? Well, I was mistaken. The demon stared at me for a good long time, which kind of creeped me out, to be honest. And when I tried to take my leave - you know, like a normal person would when meeting a demon - he followed me. Like, really.

At first, I was like, 'Sir, do you need help?' playing the oblivious card, you know? But that six-eyed fucker just kept watching me like I was some snack or something - which I am, alright - that is until he muttered one thing that made me pause in my tracks.


'Ah crap'-

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