Chapter 11.

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Hokuro Yasu

The forest was filled with the cacophony of lumbering footsteps and shallow, labored breaths, all of which signaled the presence of a wounded young man with navy-blue hair

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The forest was filled with the cacophony of lumbering footsteps and shallow, labored breaths, all of which signaled the presence of a wounded young man with navy-blue hair. He wore the tattered remains of a demon slayer uniform that bore the marks of battle. His body was riddled with strange arrows that seemed to greedily drink his blood, sapping his strength with every move he made.

Every step he took was an agonizing struggle, and his grip on his nichirin sword grew weaker by the moment. He moved desperately through the dense woods, driven by the need to escape the relentless pursuer hot on his heels. More of those ominous arrows whizzed past him, as if taunting him with their deadly accuracy. It was a torturous chase, one that seemed almost impossible to evade. Every inch of his body was pierced and bleeding, and he couldn't fathom how he was still alive in the midst of this relentless onslaught.

This day couldn't have gone any worse. Yasu cursed under his breath as he desperately tried to elude his relentless pursuer. As if things weren't bad enough, his faithful kasugai crow had been mercilessly shot down by one of those sinister arrows the moment it arrived at the scene. The bird, a vital companion for demon slayers, was gone in an instant, and Yasu felt a pang of grief and anger.

It was evident that the demon had known the significance of these crows to slayers, and its cruel strategy was designed to enrage Yasu. And it had succeeded brilliantly. In his fury, Yasu had charged recklessly at the demon, his judgment clouded by anger, a mistake he would normally never make.

But who could blame him? He had shared years of his life with that crow, and it had become more than just a companion; it was a dear friend. This lapse in judgment had led him to underestimate the demon's cunning, and now he found himself in a desperate flight for survival, with the taunting laughter of the demon echoing in the distance.

"Run, run, little deer," a mocking, feminine voice trailed behind him, and Yasu could sense the demon toying with him, toying with his life. Two more arrows narrowly missed him, causing him to stumble as he struggled to avoid them. Yet, despite it all...

"...Damn it!" Yasu cursed as he stumbled over an unfortunate rock, crashing to the forest floor with a painful thud. His fall drove some of the arrows deeper into his already wounded body, and he winced in agony. He struggled to rise, his determination warring against the weakening grip of blood loss, but his body betrayed him, refusing to obey his desperate commands.

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