6. Wounds

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Chisaki was hot on your heels as you continued your haphazard struggle through the bunker.

"Get back here." He demanded.

"No!" You said a bit too sharply. "I'll be fine, I've had worse than this."

"I can fix it with my quirk in seconds, there's no need for you to go through the pain." Chisaki tried to grab your arm, but you yanked it away.

"I'll patch myself up like I always do. Its fine, really it's fine."

"Look at yourself! You're covered in blood. Let me help you!"

"I...uh..." Your voice quavered. Hari had followed as well and was staring at the scene in front of him, surprised at your sudden outburst. Before you knew it, you were running down the claustrophobic halls to your bedroom.

As soon as you slammed the door behind you, you hastily tore off your bloodstained shirt and looked at the damage. The cut didn't look deep but it was long and ragged across your ribcage. It had sliced through some of the cloth binding your chest, turning the white fabric to a murky red.

"That bitch, that fucking bitch." You rattled on, as you undid the binding and let it fall to the floor.

Now that your clothes were off, you could see the full damage the knife had inflicted. Colors and dots swirled in your eyes at the sight. It was much worse than you previously thought. The cut spanned from the right side of the ribcage all the way up the breastbone. Blood, so much blood.

Without anything to hold it back, it dripped onto the floor, and you felt yourself growing faint. You had to deal with this fast before...

The door suddenly flew open, and there was a sharp intake of breath behind you, causing you to whip around and wrap your arms around your chest.

Chisaki stood in the doorway, hastily trying to cover the look of shock on his face. He adjusted his mask and looked at the floor. If you felt faint before, you were sure you were going to pass out now. You quickly stumbled to the door and slid it shut right in front of his face.

You thought you heard him knock as you fumbled to cover up with a loose fitting tee shirt, already becoming stained with blood from your wound. You swayed on your feet and stumbled backwards before strong arms wrapped around you and held you steady.

The first instinct you had was to struggle, you elbowed him in the ribs and kicked his shin hard enough to break bones but he didn't budge.

"Stop this." Chisaki said firmly. "You're losing too much blood. I need to heal your wound before you bleed out."

"NO!" You struggled against him but he held firm and dragged you to the bed.

Tears and black dots blurred your vision as you kicked and screamed for him to let you go. He held you down on the mattress and removed his mask. For the first time, you saw his face in full.

He was... beautiful.

"Look at me, Momo." He said softly but sternly. "I can't let you die. I won't let you. Breath for a second okay?"

"You never call me that..." You mumbled like a patient who has received anesthesia.

"Well I am now so get used to it." He reached down and gripped the edge of your shirt.

"No, please don't." You gasped.

His intense features softened and turned into a small smile. "Just think of me as your doctor. I have to look at it. So just breathe, and it will be all over in a minute."

You whined and hid your face in your hands as he lifted your shirt up all the way to your collarbone to assess the damage. Chisaki bit the finger of his glove and yanked it off. Through the pain, you could sense his lingering touch. Slowly, his soft fingers traced from the bottom of the cut to the top. Brushing his knuckles against the soft swells of your chest and landing at the final point.

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