Down To The Post Office

Start from the beginning

"She's fast," Said Derpy.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash chuckled.
A dozen letter deliveries laters...

Adorabella has already delivered 10 letters in just under 2 minutes. Adorabella has just 2 more letters to deliver. Adorabella is looking at the address on the second to last next letter to deliver. Looking at the address, she sees 'Rarity' and 'boutique' on the letter. Adorabella knows where the boutique is.

Adorabella can see the boutique below, and slows herself down. The boutique looks more like a carousel. It is a largely cylindrical building shape with decorative pillars and pony sculptures lining the lower and upper exterior. Adorabella hovers in front of the purple door with a diamond on the top and bottom. In both sides is an oval-shaped window with white edges. She holds the letter in her right forehoof and the camera in her left, and takes a picture like, to show that she delivered the letter, which she has done at the other locations. Now letting the camera dangle from the strap on her neck, Adorabella lands and knocks on the door with her left forehoof, as there's no letter plate on the door to slide the letter through. The door then opens, and Rarity is present.

"Oh- Adorabella darling, it is a pleasant surprise to see you," Rarity lightly smiled.

"Yeah um... I may be getting a job, as a mailpony," Adorabella beamed.

"Oh, how wonderful to hear. I wish you the best darling," Rarity smiled.

"I- here's the letter," Adorabella said as she gives out the letter with her right forehoof to Rarity. The unicorn went to use magic to levitate it, but it doesn't work, probably because of the necklace. So, Rarity takes the letter with her left forehoof and steps back. Now being a good distance away, Rarity uses magic to levitate the letter in front of her. The sound of magic makes Adorabella flinch, and she takes a step back, her wings briefly extending out.

"Oh, Adorabella, are you able to say for a tiny bit? I've been waiting for this letter for a few days now and... it's to do with the case against... well, you know who," Rarity asked.

"I'll come back later, I have to get these done in a timely manner as... as part of a test, if you will," Adorabella stated.

"Oh, yes, I understand. Well, it was pleasant to see you darling. I hope you get the job," Rarity nodded as she waves. Adorabella nods and waves back as she flaps her wings and takes off.

Adorabella, now being back in the air, gets out the last letter. She smiles at seeing the name on the letter. 'Ralph'. She looks at the address, and the address shows that he lives in Ponyville's north. Adorabella quickly heads in that direction, excited.
Adorabella believes she has found Ralph's house. It is the right address. The house is a reasonably-sized house with 3 floors. It's made of skin-coloured stone, with wooden frames and a hay-like roof. At the front are 2 windows for each floor, except the bottom floor. There is a window and a brown wooden door with a rectangular-shaped window at the top. She hovers in front of the door, with the letter in her right forehoof and the camera in her left, taking a picture. Once doing all that, she lands down. There is a letter plate on the door, but Adorabella knocks on the door with her left forehoof anyway. The door opens, and there is Ralph. He is pleasantly stunned and steps back, but regains his composure and steps forward again.

"Well it's nice to see you. I was literally about to head out for work," Said Ralph.

"This letter is for you," Adorabella beamed. She feels at ease with Ralph. She feels comfortable around Ralph.

"Why thank you- oh, before you head off, let me fetch you my spare ear defenders," Ralph said as he closes the door. A few moment later, the door opens and Ralph is with black and white ear defenders. Adorabella lightly smiles as she takes them and puts them around her neck.

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