Yes, this questionable act of him breaking ten boards at one and creating a small earthquake was fully aimed to impress you.

It failed miserably as you plainly ignored it, too busy with your own training. Kiko jumped at the teen seeing his frown. Cole groaned. "I have to admit, not bad for a kid" The black ninja jumped back a little when he heard Dareth speak from behind him. "But instead of ten boards, how about fifty?" The man snapped his fingers. "Stack 'em, boys!" Two boys came through the beaded doorway with twenty five boards each. They placed them on top of one another. "And perhaps if I, Grand Sensei Dareth, can break through them all, you will allow me to join your team and become" He put on a brown hood, "The Brown Ninja!"

There was a moment of stunned silence as all of you stared at him. Then Jay snickered, "The Brown Ninja? You gotta be joking!"

"Uh, sorry, pal. Club's already full" Cole said, trying to politely decline the man.

"Okay, okay. Then maybe this demonstration of my superhuman strength may persuade you. Jeffy, Phil, are we ready?"

"Yes, Grand Sensei Dareth" Lloyd mimicked them from his place in the corner. He may or may not caught you giving them candy when you entered earlier that day.

"Observe. I call upon the greatest animal to give me strength, the dragon" Kiko made a confused, yet appreciative, noise and titled his head. You covered your eyes as Dareth raised his hand. "Heeyah!" Dareth let out a battle cry, then you heard a loud crack and a cry of pain. You kept your hands on your eyes, Kiko had s similar idea and covered Lloyd's eyes with his tail. The small boy wasn't very happy with that but done nothing to stop him, only huffed and crossed his arms in annoyance.

You felt nauseous, you didn't have to see him to know how his hand looked – slightly deformed from the broken bones. The thought roamed rent free in your head and there seem to be no way to get rid of it.

That's why you were thankful when you felt a tug on your arm. "Can we draw together?" Maybe it should be concerning Lloyd asked this so casually, as if Dareth didn't break his hand less than a minute ago, but how could you question him when he looked at you like that?

So as Zane and Cole were trying to help the man, trying to at least ease the pain before they could go to the hospital, you sat down and helped the child with his drawings. "Don't move" The white ninja instructed while Dareth sobbed in pain. Cole took one of the broken pieces and broke it into smaller bits, making sure there was no sharp edges, before heading it to Zane who used a cloth to tie it to the broken hand, stabilizing it so it doesn't get more damaged. A thin layer of ice covered the parts where his fingers touched. Zane looked at his own hand. "Hm..."

"Hey! Looks like you can channel your powers!" Cole smiled at the taller teen, which he was quick to return. "Man, it's good to have a buddy" He gave him a side hug making Kai glare at them.

"Are you implying me and Jay are useless?"

"I never said that"

"Good, may I remind you?" Jay discreetly pointed in your direction, Cole furrowed his brows letting go of his friend in white.

"Now, what are you implying?" He growled.

But before things could escalate you all heard screaming from outside the Dojo. The boys quickly run out, you slowly followed them, your children close on your tail even if you didn't want that. "Oy, that's our ship!" Jay called out pointing, this time openly, towards the flying ship.

"But pirates?"

"They haven't been around for centuries!"

"I sense Lord Garmadon is somehow behind this"

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