Tears stream down Gemma's face as she quickly puts on her headphones.

After resuming Fade to Black, Gemma pushes past everyone in the bleachers.

"'Think about Steve Harrington's kid brother, Rudy.'" Jason says as Gemma runs out the gym, crying loudly.

Gemma continues to cry as she runs into the school.

She heads straight to the restroom and after she locks herself in the stall, she buries her face into her hands, still crying.

A wave of nausea hits her and she crouches over the toilet and vomits.

After flushing the toilet, Gemma wipes her mouth as she leans against the stall door and cries again.


After lunch, Max and Gemma walk down the hall, listening to their music.

A group of girls walk past them and they glance back at them, thinking about El.

After walking past a couple making out by the lockers, they walk past Lucas who's talking to Patrick by his.

They turn the corner and see Chrissy exiting Ms. Kelley's office, upset.

Max glances back at her before entering Ms. Kelley's and Gemma sits down on the bench.

She pulls her Tylenol out from her backpack and swallows a couple of them dry.

After she puts it back into her backpack, she looks up and sees Lucas leaning against the wall.

"Hi Gemma." Lucas says, giving her a friendly smile.

"Hi Luc. What's up?" Gemma asks as she lowers her headphones.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my game tonight." Lucas says, handing her the ticket.

Gemma looks the ticket over before looking at Lucas and giving him a nod and a smile.

"I'd be happy to." Gemma says.

"Thanks Gemma. That means a lot." Lucas says, smiling as he pulls her into a hug.

After the two pull apart, Gemma smiles at Lucas before putting her headphones back on.

A few minutes later, Max bursts out of Ms. Kelley's and storms off with Lucas running to catch up to her.

Gemma's whole mood changed since she has to talk to Ms. Kelley now and she sighs and rolls her eyes before entering the office.

Gemma plays with her hands, nervously as Ms. Kelley looks over her grades.

"All B's! That's good!" Ms. Kelley says, looking up at her.

Gemma just nods and continues playing with her hands.

"So...how are things at home now?" Ms. Kelley asks and Gemma finally looks up at her.

Gemma, My Gem - Stranger Things OC x OCWhere stories live. Discover now