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You stood before the three most powerful gods in all of Olympus. Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades all vied for your attention, each one determined to win your heart. As you looked into each of their eyes, you could see the intense desire they held for you.

Poseidon spoke first. "Y/N, my darling. Please consider what it would be like to spend eternity with me. We could swim in the seas and explore the depths of the ocean together. I promise you will never be bored."

Zeus chimed in, his voice booming. "Y/N, think of what it would be like to rule alongside me. We could command lightning and thunder, and no one would dare to challenge us."

Hades, however, remained silent. He simply watched you with his piercing gaze, waiting for you to make your decision.

You thought long and hard about each of their offers. Poseidon was kind and caring, but you weren't sure if you could handle his unpredictable nature. Zeus was powerful and commanding, but you were afraid he would try to control you.

Hades, on the other hand, intrigued you. There was something about his dark and mysterious nature that drew you in. You had always been fascinated by him, and you longed to unravel the secrets he kept hidden.

"Hades," you said finally, looking at him directly. "I choose you."

A small smile played at the corners of his lips, and he stepped towards you. "My dear Y/N," he said, taking your hand in his. "You have made the right choice. I promise to love and cherish you for all eternity."

The two of you spent your days ruling over the underworld together. You spent your time dealing with the souls of the dead, and you found that you actually enjoyed the work. Hades was always there by your side, helping you navigate the complexities of the underworld.

One day, as you sat on the throne beside Hades, you found yourself lost in thought. You had always been curious about Hades's past, but you had never mustered up the courage to ask him about it.

"Hades," you said finally, breaking the silence. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, my love," Hades replied, looking at you with concern.

"What was your life like before you became the god of the underworld?" you asked, unable to keep the curiosity from your voice.

Hades's face grew serious, and he took a deep breath before answering. "My life was...difficult. I was born into a family of gods who never truly understood me. I felt alone and isolated for most of my life. But when I became the god of the underworld, I finally found my place. And when you came into my life, I finally found my soulmate."

Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Hades, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "I'm so glad I chose you," you said, leaning into him.

Hades wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. "And I'm so glad you chose me," he whispered, his voice full of love and tenderness.

You knew that being with Hades would not always be easy. There would be challenges and obstacles along the way. But you also knew that, together, you and Hades could face anything that came your way. With him by your side, you felt invincible.

As you leaned into Hades's embrace, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. You knew that being with him was the right decision, and you couldn't imagine spending eternity with anyone else.

But just as you began to settle into your new life, an unexpected visitor arrived in the underworld. It was none other than Zeus himself.

Hades tensed up as he saw his brother appear before him. "What are you doing here, Zeus?" he asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

"I come with an offer," Zeus said, a sly smile playing at his lips. "I have been thinking about our conversation, Y/N, and I believe I have something to offer you that Hades cannot."

You looked at Zeus, unsure of what he could possibly offer that would make you reconsider your decision. "What is it?" you asked cautiously.

"Power," Zeus said simply. "With me by your side, you could rule over all of Olympus. You could have everything you ever wanted, and more."

Hades's grip on you tightened, and you knew he was not happy with Zeus's offer. But you couldn't help but be intrigued.

"Think about it, Y/N," Zeus said, his eyes locked on yours. "With me, you could be the most powerful being in all of existence."

You looked at Hades, then back at Zeus. The temptation was strong, but you knew in your heart that you couldn't abandon Hades now.

"No, Zeus," you said firmly. "I have already made my choice. I choose Hades, and I will not be swayed."

Zeus's expression darkened, and he looked at you with a mix of anger and disappointment. "Very well," he said finally. "But mark my words, Y/N. You will regret this decision."

With that, Zeus disappeared in a flash of lightning, leaving you and Hades alone once again.

Hades looked at you with a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, my love," he said, pulling you close. "I knew I could count on you."

You smiled at him, feeling happy and content. "I will always choose you, Hades," you said, resting your head against his chest.

And as you settled into your new life ruling the underworld with Hades by your side, you knew that you had made the right choice. With him, you had everything you could ever want, and more.

As time passed, you and Hades grew closer, and your love for each other only deepened. You ruled the underworld together with fairness and justice, and you knew that there was no one else you would rather be with.

One day, as you were walking through the underworld, you stumbled upon a group of lost souls who were wandering aimlessly. You could see the sadness and despair in their eyes, and your heart went out to them.

"Is there anything we can do for them?" you asked Hades.

He looked at the lost souls, then back at you. "I have an idea," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Together, you and Hades worked to create a place in the underworld where lost souls could find peace and rest. It was a beautiful oasis, filled with trees and flowers, and a gentle stream ran through the center of it.

The lost souls flocked to the oasis, and you could see the joy and relief in their faces as they finally found a place to call home.

"I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you," Hades said, as the two of you watched the lost souls enjoy their new home.

You smiled at him, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "I feel the same way," you said, leaning into him.

As you stood there with Hades, watching over the lost souls, you knew that you had made the right decision. Choosing him was the best thing you had ever done, and you knew that you would spend the rest of eternity with him by your side.

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