Mephisto: Chaos King......The Dark Lord Of Oblivion......Mikaboshi Threatened her to Leave one of the Multiverses so he could make it Fall into the Ocean of Non-existence and he succeeded in doing that......She is Scared Titan and as Lady Death's True Lover you need to destroy her need to Destroy The August Star........

Thanos: But The Problems Arises That He is More Powerful than me and even I don't know where he is......

Mephisto: Every problem has A Solution.........Maybe You could Use The Heart Of the Universe? Oh wait, You once Did! Sending the entire Universe, including M bodies of powerful The cosmic Entities into Nothingness and you became a Fool of Oblivion.


Mephisto: I am Not Mocking You...I am telling you what happened during that time........You don't fear Death Titan, You fear Oblivion. I heard From Adam Warlock, He saw You a Little Boy. Well Even if you wanted to Use it Again, You Can't now. Heart Of Infinite got some Tight Security this time.

???: Thanos, The Mad Titan.......

Both Thanos and Mephisto turned to See Someone they weren't Expecting.

Both Thanos and Mephisto turned to See Someone they weren't Expecting

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Mephisto: Ah, Chthon what Brings you here? To this Realm of Lady Death?

Chthon: Stupid Titan, You Dared to destroy The Solar Systems created By Our Race?

Mephisto: Ooooh.....Looks Like I have to take a Leave here. My home, Hades is Calling me.

As Mephisto said, he left the Realm leaving Only Chthon and Titan.

Chthon: The Council Great-Angled Ones will decide your fate....

Thanos: I would Like you to Try Dark God.


Thanos Was currently Held Hostage By Great Old Ones, As Council Began to Discuss The matter, Till Shuma-Gorath.

Shuma: Give this being anything but death. To.....Good for him.....

Yog-Sothoth: Iiahe Uh'eog chthon mgepah ehye ahf' mgepor'uh'enah titan, h' mgah'ehye handle h'.(Since Master Chthon was the One who Capture The titan, Let him Handle it.)

The Great Ones Began to Agree with Yog-Sothoth. Chthon bowed and Spoke.

Chthon: Thank You, Lord Yog-Sothoth. Now Mad Titan......Let's see What I can Do with you....


Y/N along with Scarlett was Currently Walking his Way to U.A. High School. The news about High Ocean Tides and Earthquakes Were spreading like Wild fire. The cause of these is Still Unknown at this Point, even can't came up with the Theories Scientists. Meanwhile there were Other News About Massacre in different parts of the World, As Police Discovered Dead Bodies of a Cult group named "The Cult of Cthulhu" Or "The Children of Cthulhu". These Groups used to do Rituals by engaging in Human Sacrifies to Satisfy their "Lord" Named Cthulhu and its servitors. The police believes that It might be a War between two Cults but The investigation is Still going on.

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