"Yeah, she did. She was a bit disappointed that you weren't there but she understood why," He explained. "I think I'll go now."

"Yeah, I think you should." She said harshly but he understood and Aaron walked off.

"Who's Zaria?" A voice called out from behind her. It was Elena.

"No one you need to worry about, just leave it." Juliette told her a little too quickly.

Elena furrowed her eyebrows together. "Really? Because it seemed pretty serious-"

"Just drop it, Elena, seriously." Juliette snapped and immediately walked away. She quickly pulled out her phone and called Klaus.

"Well if it isn't my favourite little sister. what can I do for you?" He asked in a seemingly cheerful voice. "If it's Aaron or Rebekah I'll just call them and tell them to shut up-"

"You're in New York, right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Can you keep an eye out on Zaria while you're there for me?" She asked. Nik was the only sibling who knew about Zaria's existence. "Elena overheard Aaron and I talking so I have no doubt she'll run and tell Damon."

"Don't worry, she'll be safe under my watch," He assured her. "I'll try and be back as soon as I can, I'll see you soon."

"See you soon Nik."

What Juliette didn't know was that Stefan Salvatore had been hanging on to their every word.


Klaus could always remember the first time he met Zaria. It was in a bar in England, 1933. Zaria had seemed to be quite tipsy but Klaus had only walked over because he though it was Juliette, so you can imagine his surprise when the girl turned out to be a mix of both her parents.

Zaria had no idea who he was so she basically told him her whole life story, obviously thinking she could rid his memories afterwards. How her mother had her and her twin brother a month before she was turned into a vampire. How Angelina had helped turn them into immortal witch (an immortal werewolf in her brothers case) like her and helped hide them from everyone. 

How her brother Jace went missing in 1914. After that night, Klaus had gotten in contact with Juliette so she had to explain everything, but he kept his word and never told anyone about her.

"Nik!" Zaria's voice from behind snapped him out of his daydream. "Mom told me you were in New York, I didn't think I'd see you but here you are."

"Well if it isn't my favourite niece," Klas said jokingly. "Your mother told me to keep an eye out for you, a lot of people in Mystic Falls have been asking about you and she wanted to make sure you were okay."

Zaria nodded. "I'm fine. How are they?"

He gave her his arm for her to link as they walked down the street together. "They're good, I think. It was definitely awkward." He said.

Zaria laughed. "You should try being in the house for my birthday, they try to get along but the tension is unbelievable."

"Yeah I think I'd rather just send you a present."

"Even though you never met him, you remind me of Jace in a way." Zaria said randomly catching him by surprise, she never spoke about her brother.

"Do I?"

"You have the same smile, and the same sense of humour."

"I'll take that as a compliment, but you are your mother through and through," He told her. "Your witty remarks and sarcastic personality could only come from one other person." 

She sighed. "So I heard you broke the curse," Zaria said. "I thought there would be an army of hybrids by now."

"Ah, that's where we hit the snag. Turns out, the wolves need to drink doppelgänger blood in order to complete the transition so while I'm out looking for more wolf places, your parents and Rebekah are keeping an eye out on the doppelgänger."

"I could've told you that," She nodded her head. A few teenagers across the road began getting her attention. "I gotta go, it was nice seeing you though."

She went to walk off but he stopped her. "Happy late birthday," Klaus pulled out a present from his pocket. "I'll see you later."

He walked off and Zaria stood there unwrapping the present. It was a frame of her, Jace, and her mum and dad with a sticky note with a message. Happy birthday, I found this picture and I thought you might like it. - Nik

Zaria smiled, put the picture in her bag and walked over to her friends with a smile on her face.

a/n: I kind of got excited and just introduced Zaria like rn. okok so might not be an update for a while bc this is the last prewritten chapter before I published the book and I have other books to update as well so I might be a hot sec.

bye guys!!

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