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Akshara's POV

Hey baby, bye, see you in the evening. I'll pick you up at six," whispered, Abhi behind my ears as I was arranging the dishes.

I just smiled and nodded since my mother-in-law was also in the kitchen. This situation is very common in our house, since Abhimayu and I got married.

It has been 6 months now, since Abhimanyu and I got married and it had been an arranged marriage. My family chose Abhimanyu by his family background and his ability to support me after marriage and our parents were friends, was another reason.
Before I met him, I was extremely nervous and worried that I may not like him. How am I supposed to say No to the alliance if I don't like him?Because according to everyone he is just perfect in every sense.
Fortunately for us, love sparked as soon as we met each other. He was handsome,hot, sweet and cheerful. We got married three months after meeting, but during that time we never went out except for two or three times dinner dates and skyped only 4 times.

Being nostalgic I went to the time when we got married.

Finally the night I feared about arrived, our wedding night. In our society, before a bride enters into her married life she will be advised by her mother and elders. that
"Your husband is to be respected. Any wish of his must be fulfilled, was the advice given to me. I didn't agree with this completely but kept quiet. My mind was filled with thousands of questions, and I was trembling with nervousness a little as I entered into the bedroom. I barely knew Abhimanyu yet. Although we liked each other, we'd never talked that much so..How I am supposed to react? As I entered the bedroom, Abhimayu was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting.huh?? I became even more
nervous but what happened that night was the sweetest thing any husband could do for his wife. My respect for him grew to heights after that night.

"come Akshara sit here " Abhimanyu said.
I sat next him and then he took my hands in his. I thought he felt my hands trembling and how cold they were.

Abhimanyu just smiled and said, "Akshu, I know you're very am I." he paused then continued.

"You know I felt something at very the moment I saw you. I don't know what was so attractive about you, I hope ,iI am not sounding Cliche "Abhimanyu chuckled and said.

"but seriously we never really got to know each other. So..." He stopped and looked deep into my eyes. I just kept silent as I didn't really know what to say!

"I believe that one should explore to other by his/her own and should not be forced."he said with atmost sincerity.

Oh my! He thinks the same as I do! I smiled back to him and waited for him to continue.

"So maybe we should save our first night together till we really understand each other and let it come naturally. And yeah ,I can wait for as long as you need to be comfortable. What do you think?" He asked.

I was shocked and pleased at the same time! Which guy would agree to wait for his wife to be ready ? As my elders and friends told me about first night,it was just opposite.
I was almost in tears and just nodded in agreement.
He looked very pleased.

"Look, I want to take you out on a date tomorrow. May I?"Abhimanyu asked.
A date??? Finally I'm going out on my first date that too with my husband! I was beyond excited just by the thought of it.

"Yes..!" the was the only thing I could wishpered because I was so overwhelmed.

"Where would you like to go hmm?" He again asked.

"I always wanted to go to on a beach for a date," I told him excitedly.
He just smiled and agreed.

"I'll sleep on the couch,you can sleep on bed" he said standing up.
Okay now I was super surprised. He was really cute and sincere.

"we can share bed together, I don't have problem." I told him as the metter of fact.
He smiled and went to washroom.

After changing into my night wear. When i was arranging pillows on the bed.He came out of the bathreoom and walked towards me.
I wanted to hug him but was too nervous. I guessed he could read my mind. Abhimanyu came to me, cupped his hands on my face, and kissed on my forehead

"you look even more cute when you're nervous." he wishpered
I smiled and hugged him. He ran his hands down my arms and touched my waist. I felt thousands of butterflies flying in my stomach. I felt so warm and safe in his arms.

Next day we went to the beach side on our first date. I was dressed in red gown gifted by Abhimanyu and we had such a wonderful time together.
We were looking just like a dating couple. No one would have guessed we were married..

May be it was like wht people say"Love isn't done it just happens

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May be it was like wht people say
"Love isn't done it just happens."

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