(OLD) Chapter 1: Duo

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A/N: Just to let ya'll know, Uzi went and mostly fixed her railgun. It's not as powerful anymore but can still do some serious damage.

The foolish worker drone was currently running for his life. Going very, very far from his dear colony.

They were faster than the worker drone, but enjoyed letting them think they could escape. They were gliding through the blizzard-consumed night, eyes trained on their target.

Without warning (though honestly, would they really give a warning to their prey?) S dove down and pounced right on the drone, stabbing their knife-claws through his head and ending him instantly as oil began pouring out.

Slowly withdrawing their claws from the head, they licked off the oil before going to town on the drone's corpse, leaving oil everywhere after and even while they were eating.

It had been quite a large amount of time since S had last eaten fresh oil. Those other Disassembly Drones had been stealing all the fresh kills from them, leaving them to eat the scraps.

Scrap oil did NOT taste as great as fresh oil did.

The worker drones were somewhat smart, the ones from the colony they had been stalking knew well enough to try and avoid going outside as much as possible. This one drone had just been unlucky.

They knew of two colonies, and both had these annoying doors in the way of all the prizes. Though from what they had heard through their silent eavesdropping, the other group had managed to break into one of the colonies by pure luck.

They despised the other group. Just the thought alone made killing them seem so tempting. However, S found it best to just wait until they all killed each other off from annoyance.

The two female ones always seemed quite annoyed about the male one, always calling him useless and annoying. If they had to guess, he'd be the first to go once the time came.

They spread their wings out wide again and launched into the air, silent as a mouse. That's what their designation stood for in fact, "Silent."

They were heading for the colony that had been broken into before, deciding to stalk it for a while. Perhaps they'd get lucky and get a second kill for the night.

After spotting a good spot, they landed and watched the door carefully. The blizzard would hide them well enough, along with the hiding spot. They were practically invisible unless you focused.


It was so boring just sitting out there and waiting! It was super likely nobody was going to go outside anyways.

Just as they were about to fly off, the door began opening, which made them pause mid-jump and crouch back down, hiding their wings again.

A small worker drone with purple hair and a black beanie walked out as the doors closed again. She seemed like the perfect target!

S decided it would be a good idea to mess with them first. They rarely got to kill, which brought them a sick joy when they could experience killing, but messing with their prey made that feeling greater.

The worker drone began walking off, and so they followed her, silent as ever. They took every moment to hide behind a car or even use the blizzard as cover as to avoid getting spotted too early.

After a while of walking, they decided to attack now. They flew into the air and then landed right in front of the drone, actually knocking her back from the impact.

That's when the fight began.

Apparently, the drone had some sort of railgun with them, in which she immediately brought it out and aimed it at their head.

S leapt up and narrowly dodged the beam, it caught the edge of one of their wings and god that hurt like hell.

They landed again and used their tail to throw the worker drone at one of the cars, actually getting the car fairly dented from the impact.

They slowly began walking closer and closer, seeing the look of fear on the drone's face. It was entertaining.

Suddenly, they lost their head. Literally.


Uzi was staring at this unfamiliar drone in fear. They had managed to (mostly) dodge her railgun! And also stab her hand! Speaking of which, THAT WAS HURTING LIKE HELL.

The disassembly drone suddenly lost their head, falling forward as a very concerned N stood behind them.

"Uzi! Are you okay?" he asked as he ran over to her.

"I'm fine N.." she responded, trying to hide the pain the nanite acid wound was making. "W-Who even were they?"

"I'm not sure," N answered as he simply licked his hand and placed it overtop the wound. It'd still work as well as uh, the other option which she would NOT remember at that moment.

The new drone got back up as their head materialised back. Once their head was, well, fully back, it displayed an error screen. Same type that N had when Uzi had first gotten him with the railgun.

"Why were you even outside?" he asked her, not having noticed yet the other drone was back on their feet.

"I was gonna look for you to apologise, and also find something my railgun needs. Mostly the first reason," Uzi responded, glaring at the other drone.

N took notice of her glare and turned to face the other drone right as they turned back on.


What. The. Hell. Just happened!?

They looked at the two drones in front of them, instantly knowing the most likely scenario that had happened.

The bastard had beheaded them to save the useless worker drone!

(Thought honestly, if she could make a railgun that could destroy disassembly drones, maybe she WASN'T that useless)

Their tail was lashing slowly as they glared, and the other two simply returned that glare.

"Uh, who are-" the other disassembly drone began before getting cut off by S flying off, now extremely pissed off.

They recognised that drone. He was the same one apart of that annoying other group!

I swear on whatever god there is, I'm going to kill both of them!


Anyways, wow 30 reads already? Its only been one day lol!

I feel like the pacing in this chapter was pretty bad, not entirely sure though.

Signing off, Jaybird.

The Extra Dronesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें